2008 Town Meeting Minutes

Town of Bradford

State of New Hampshire

Town Warrant and Minutes of Town Meeting March 11, 2008

The Polls opened at 8:00 am to 7:00 pm on March 11, 2008.

To the inhabitants of the town of Bradford in the County of Merrimack in said State qualified to vote in town affairs;

You are hereby notified to meet at the Bradford Elementary School on Old Warner Road in said Bradford, NH on Tuesday, the eleventh of March next, at eight o’clock in the morning to act on the following articles:

Article 1.To choose all necessary Town Officials for the ensuing year.

Moderator for 2 Years – Vote for 1

Jonathan SteinerElected360

Selectman for 3 Years – Vote for 1

Don Stumph 32
Peter FentonElected211
R. Jane Johnsen142

Supervisor of the Checklist for 6 Years – Vote for 1

Ann LucierElected360

Trustee of the Trust Funds for 3 Years – Vote for 1

Thomas RileyElected362

Trustee of the Brown Memorial Library for 3 Years – Vote for 3

Joan PerryElected302
Amy BlitzerElected342
Roderick JonesElected321

Budget Committee for 3 Years – Vote for 2

John MeaneyElected295
Christopher AikenElected286

Planning Board for 3 Years – Vote for 2

Philip LaMoreauxElected315
William GlennieElected280

Planning Board for 2 Years – Vote for 1

Carol Meise142
Delbert “Sonny” Harris IIIElected222

Planning Board for 1 Year – Vote for 1

Barry WheelerElected195
Jeffrey Aarons159

Zoning Board for 3 Years – Vote for 1

Lester GordonElected329

Cemetery Commission for 3 Years – Vote for 1

Thomas RileyElected357

Scholarship Committee for 3 Years – Vote for 1

Dawn RichElected352


Article 2.Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment number 1 as proposed by the planning board for the Bradford Zoning Ordinance as follows?

To amend Article III.D, 1 so that the minimum distance between buildingand the edge of the public right-of-way or an accepted public road shall be fifty (50) feet; (omitting the currently included phrase: or seventy-five (75feet) from the center which ever provides the greater set back (distance).

YES228NO165Article Carried

Article 3.Are you in favor of the adoption of amendment number 2 as proposed by the planning board for the Bradford Zoning Ordinance as follows?

To amend Article VIII, the Floodplain Development Ordinance to include changes identified by the New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning in order to remain compliant with the National Flood Insurance Program.

YES302NO 93 Article Carried

There was also a school ballot.

Question 1.To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the Municipal Budget Committee’s Recommended amount of $33,938,535.00 for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the school district officials and agents, and for the payment for the statutory obligations of the district.The School Board recommends $33,938,535.00.This article does not include appropriations voted in other warrant articles.This warrant article asks the voters to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, the salaries of the School District Officials and Agents, and for the Statutory obligations of said District, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the State sources, together with the other income, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen of each of the Towns of Bradford, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sutton, Warner, Wilmot, the amount to be raised by taxation by said towns. Vote (X) for only one:A or B

A.$33,938,535.00 for the proposed Operating Budget recommended by the School Board187 Budget Carried

B.$33,938,535.00 for the proposed Operating Budget recommended by the MunicipalBudget Committee.121

Question 2.To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $50,000 for the Capital Reserve Fund, established in 1994 for the purposes of reconstructing or adding to existing schools or the District, with such amount to be funded from any unencumbered surplus funds remaining on hand as of June 30, 2008.

(School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

YES240NO148 Question Carried

Question 3.To see if the School District will vote to establish an Expendable Trust Fund within the provisions of RSA 198:20-c for the purpose of emergency funding of unanticipated Special Education costs incurred by the District, and further to raise and appropriate $75,000 to be placed in this fund and to designate the School Board as agents of the District to expend this fund.

(School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

YES204NO181 Question Carried

Question 4.To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $482,000 to place a bedrock well online for the Kearsarge Regional High School, to replace the existing well, which the Department of Environmental Services has advised is inadequate and should be replaced, and to develop a water and wastewater master plan for the Kearsarge Regional School District. (School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

YES226No167 Question Carried

Question 5.To see if the Kearsarge Regional School District will vote to raise and appropriate a supplemental appropriation of $665,000 for unforeseen Special Education costs for the current school year (2007-2008).This amount will be funded from existing revenues.(School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

YES203No183 Question Carried

There were three seats on the ballot as well.

For Moderator for 1 Year – Vote for one

Robert Bowers Jr.Elected325

For Municipal Budget Committee for 3 Years – Vote for 1

Joseph P. Conway Jr.Elected299

For School Board Member for 3 Years – Vote for 1

Jonathan SteinerElected350

There were a total of 404 votes cast for each of the three (3) ballots including 32 Absentee Ballots

Election Officials Present

Jonathan Steiner, Moderator,Mildred Kittredge, Assistant Moderator, Susan Pehrson, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Robert Toppi, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Ann Lucier, Judith Marshall, Ruth Marden, Supervisors of the Checklist, Audrey Sylvester, Caroline Verity, Beth Rodd, George Cilley, Marge Cilley, Donald Jackson, John Harrris, Ruth-Ann Harris, Margaret Ainslie, Phyllis Wilcox, Catherine Betz, Harriet Douglass, Inspectors of the Election, Eileen Kelly, Steven Pierce, Leah Keller, Brian Carter, Counters.

Article 4.Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 until Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Elementary School on the Old Warner Road.The raising of money, and remaining articles in the Warrant to be taken up at the adjourned meeting.

Meeting reconvened at 7:05 March 12, 2008 at the Kearsarge Regional Elementary School at Bradford.There were approximately 250 people in attendance.Robert Selig led the group in the pledge of allegiance.Selectman, Andrew Pinard thanked the volunteers of the various boards and committees for their ongoing dedication. Moderator, Jonathan Steiner explained the process and gave a quick overview of the procedures that would be followed for the evening.The Chips group had a snack stand for the convenience of the voters.The Conservation Committee had a display in the lobby for those present to view.

Jonathan Steiner explained that the discussion of the first three Articles would be taken up simultaneously.They all dealt with proposed new buildings for the town, he felt that all of the discussion could take place first.We would then vote on the first two articles together and follow it with the third article if necessary.

Article 5.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate One Million Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,450,000.) (gross budget) to construct a 10,800 square foot highway garage and a 2,400 square foot salt shed on town owned property at map 3 lot 110.(upper site)and to authorize the issuance of not more than One Million Three Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Dollars ($ 1,365,000.) of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA Chapter 33) and to authorize the board of selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon, the term, and other details. Further, to authorize the withdrawal of Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($85,000.) from the Highway Garage Capital Reserve Fund created for this purpose.

(The selectmen recommend this appropriation.)(The budget committee recommends this appropriation.)(2/3 ballot vote required.)Moved and Seconded

Thomas Riley showed a power point presentation of the latest Needs Assessment Committee’s figures and impact on the tax rate.John Harris pointed out that if #7 the lower site passed there would be no need to build a new road and the rest of the plan for the Highway Dept. Building would come in for about the same money.Susan McKevitt asked Mr. Riley why there was a separate warrant for the road and also wanted to know what happened to Article 6 if #7 passed.John Harris stated that it was possible to have the Police accepted on the upper site and the Highway Garage located on the lower site.If, however, Articles 5 and 6 failed and Article 7 passed, it was still possible to at some later date to build the Police Facility on the lower site.Bill Glennie wanted to reorganize the warrant articles to combine Articles 5 & 7 for the vote and then vote on the location.He felt the two articles were similar to one another and that it might save some time.Combining them is not possible according to Jon Steiner.Don Johnsen still is questioning the road.Again it is a separate article, but if someone wants to answer to the question they may do so.Steve Lucier stated that where the road to the Town Sheds and Police Dept meet the Transfer Station road is beyond the new construction.The new road will hook back over to the Transfer Station road.Don Johnsen said he still didn’t understand.Would it mean that it could be done without additional funds?Steve said yes.There was some concern about the present road being used by too much traffic if in fact the upper site is chosen and the road article (#8) is not accepted.Joan Perry asked if she was mistaken in believing that the State required the Transfer Station road fixed if the upper site was chosen.Tom Riley stated thattherecommendations of the Engineering Firm was to upgrade the Transfer Station road.The road is one of the few disadvantages to the upper site.If the site was accepted, the town had one year to start an upgrade of the Transfer Station road.An extension could be given if necessary.The State did not require the changes, but strongly suggested that they be made.Gary Wall wanted to know what the tax impact of #8 was going to have.Tom Riley stated that the amount would be $.87 for one year.Daniel Kraft had an observation that all of the buildings seem to be very expensive.Is there any way that the cost could be cut down?Daniel Peret stated that in his opinion that the lower site is contaminated.Doug Troy thanked the Needs Assessment Committee for all their work, he feels that any new construction is out of the question as he can’t afford it.Tandy Hartford wanted to know what was the basis of the interest rate quoted and suggested that we might get a higher rate with bonds.Tom Riley stated that the basis is 6% as the low figure, but we have a firm commitment of 3.8% for the life of the bond.Steve Lucier stated that their current location is terrible and the upper site is definitely better.The lower site was used as a dump and the gravel was removed when the buried the trash.Jonathan Marden spoke in favor of the bond article from the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.He observed that the money for Article #5 is a set dollar amount, whereas, Article #7 is at best a “Guesstimate”.Bruce Bowie wanted to know the length of the bond.He was informed that the bond would be for 20 years at fixed rate 3.8%.Leah Keller wanted to know what about the Town Hall.Robert LaFlamme what happens to the old building?No decision has been made at this time.George Cilley stated that the current Highway Garage is old and needs to be replaced.Tom Riley had a comment about Article #7 and the fact that the Dept. Of Environmental Services requires an investigation of the site if there is a change in use.The results are to be sent to D.E.S.Philip LaMoreaux wanted to know if the requirement was only for the building site or the whole lot.Tom Riley answered that it was for the lower site.Jonathan Steiner asked for a suspension of vote in order to discuss Article #6, so both articles could be voted on at the same time.Vote Suspended.

Discussion on Article #6 began.

Article 6.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate Six Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($690,000) (gross budget) to construct a 3,300 square foot police station on town owned property at map 3 lot 110.(upper site), and to authorize the issuance of not more than Six Hundred and Forty Four Thousand Dollars ($644,0000.) of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA Chapter 33) and to authorize the board of selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon, the term, and other details.Further, to authorize the withdrawal of Forty Six Thousand Dollars ($46,000) from the New Police Facility Capital Reserve Fund created for this purpose.The selectmen recommend this appropriation.The budget committee recommends this appropriation. (2/3 ballot vote required.)Moved and Seconded

Abigail Hayes felt that the size of the Police Station was too large.Mike Hurley is the size of the building recommended or mandated.Tom Riley answered that it was mandated.Belinda Glennie wanted to know haw many arrests are made each year that required detention.Jim Valiquet, Police Chief stated that last year there were 60 arrests, but not all were shackled.Heidi Slatunas stated that in her opinion a new facility was needed.Motion to vote on articles 5 & 6.Moved and seconded.

Polls opened at 8:27 on Articles #5 & 6.

Polls closed at 9:27

Article #5 cast 238 ballots159 required to pass136 YesNo102

Article Not Carried

Article #6 cast 229 ballots152 required to pass124 Yes105No

Article Not Carried

Article 7:To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand dollars ($1,350,000) for the purpose of building a highway garage and salt shed on the lower portion of the transfer station lot.This will also provide for the issuance of not more than One Million Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand dollars ($1,350,000) of bonds or notes for this purpose.This warrant will also authorize the Selectmen as agents to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon.Paper Ballot required.By Petition.Selectmen do not recommend.Budget Committee does not recommend.(2/3 ballot vote required.)Moved and Seconded.

Polls opened at 9:55 on Article #7

Polls closed at 10:55

Article #7 cast 200 ballots131 required to pass74Yes126No

Article Not Carried

Articles #8 and 9 will be taken up later.

Article 10.To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Million Six Hundred Ninety Three Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Eight dollars ($1,693,528.00) for the general municipal operation. This article DOES NOT include amounts appropriated by other warrant articles. (Majority vote required) Moved and Seconded


b.Elections and Vital records11,716.00

Jonathan Marden why the increase and was told it was due to there being four elections this year.

c.Financial Administration86,940.00


What does it mean?Cheryl Behr stated it was to have property values reviewed each year.

e.Legal 17,000.00

f.Employee Benefits-excludes elected officials218,069.00

Jonathan Marden asked if we had more employees or did the cost go up?Cheryl Behr answered that we do have more employees and some of the coverages had changed.Also there was an increase of 7% in cost.

Robert LaFlamme wanted to know if the new buildings passed, how many more employees will be on hired.Cheryl Behr told him none.

g.Planning and Zoning23,500.00

h.General Government Buildings42,432.00



Abigail Hayes wanted to know what this involved.Cheryl Behr explained that it was for Workman Compensation, unemployment and liability insurance.

k.Other General Government20,450.00

What does this cover?Cheryl Behr explained it was for environmental Testing, VNA, Cap

l.Police Department276,110.00

Michael Elmes wanted to know if we had full time officers.Peter Fenton answered that we have three full time officers, three part time officers and a part time chief.Tandy Hartford wanted to know why the increase.Cheryl Behr said that it was advisable to add another full time officer as it has become so difficult to get part time officers.

m.Fire Department92,000.00

n.Rescue Services14,525.00

o.Building Code Department14,150.00

p.Emergency Management1,000.00

Abigail Hayes wanted to know what is it?Cheryl Behr explained that we have an Emergency Management director.The money pays for reimbursement for training for all participants.

q.Highway Department368,847.00

Tandy Hartford wanted to know where the snow money is at present.

Steve Lucier answered that it’s almost gone.He proposed an amendment to this line item in the amount of $17,500.00Amendment Carried

q.HighwayDepartmentAmended Amount386,347.00

r.Bridge Maintenance100.00

William Glennie wanted to know why bother.Steve Lucier explained it was necessary in order to have an accout to put money into.

s.Street Lighting 3,800.00

t.Solid Waste Collection52,303.00

Robert LaFlamme wanted to know who and what was this for.Cheryl Behr explained that it was for the people at the Transfer Station, collection, electric, maintenance, tipping fees, and special disposal fees

u.Solid Waste Disposal60,600.00

William Glennie wanted to know what if we didn’t recycle.He was told that now figures are available on that.


w.Welfare Administration4,155.00

x.Welfare Vendor Payments25,000.00

y.Parks and Recreation11,540.00


aa.Patriotic Purposes15,500.00

Ruth Ann Harris questioned the amount of money.Marlene Freyler explained that the cost covered the flags for the cemetery, the July 4th parade and the fireworks.

bb.Community Center66,278.00

Jonathan Marden wanted an accounting of the increase.Dawn Rich explained that the director had become a full time position this past year and the energy and fuel cost have sky-rocketed.


William Glennie proposed an amendment in the amount of $42,000.The money would be used to purchase additional property.James Pickman asked what the current balance was.Judith Ann Eldridge stated that there was currently $133,000 in their account.George Bibbo wanted where the money was invested.Judith Ann Eldridge stated that they had the money in CD’s.Peter Fenton explained that the Conservation Commission received $22,000 in 2007.

Amendment Not Carried

dd.Interest on T.A.N.4,000.00


Entire budget Moved and Seconded – Budget passed as amended

Article 11.To see if the town will vote to authorize the board of selectmen to choose the date for the second session of the town meeting (the business meeting), which may be a date other than the Wednesday after the town election.This article is necessary because the original vote to authorize two sessions of the town meeting included language that requires the second session to be held on the Wednesday following the town election, giving the selectmen no flexibility to choose a different day.Moved and Seconded.

Ruth Ann Harris explained that the purpose of this article is to give the Selectmen the choice of changing the Business portion of the town meeting if they so chose.Tandy Hartford preferred to leave it as it is.Thomas Marshall wanted to know who would pick the new date and how would it be done.Peter Fenton explained that it would have to be at a public meeting in order to make the change.Charles Hewitt wanted to know where it would be held.Colleen Hurley wanted to know how much notice there would be for the meeting.Laurie Brown stated that she would rather have it in the evening so as not to interfere with family life.

Article Not Carried

Article 12: To see if the town will vote to establish the Rescue Squad as a unit within the town Fire Department under the authority of the Fire Chief, pursuant to RSA 154:1.Moved and Seconded.

Richard Branch spoke to the value of having this article passed.

Article Carried

Article 13.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500) for the first year of management reviews by an outside contractor to evaluate and improve town department efficiency.This will be a non lapsing appropriation and will continue until the money is spent or December 31, 2013.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee does not recommend.Moved and Seconded.

Mildred Kittredge wanted to know how many people were involved in this article.Andrew Pinard stated that there would be five (5) departments involved.Philip LaMoreaux wanted to know if there would be a savings of $3500.Andrew Pinard explained that it would depend on the department.William Glennie wanted to know if the savings could be pointed at next year’s town meeting.Beatrice Howe wanted to know if $3500 was for one department.Andrew Pinard answered in the affirmative.The expense would become a line item annually and would rotate among the five departments mentioned.

Article Not Carried

Article 14.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to provide “on call” and training wages and administrative costs for rescue personnel for the nine month period of April to December 2008.

Heidi Slatunas spoke to the need of passing this article.Moved and Seconded.

Jonathan Marden moved to delay the vote until after the results of the Highway Garage were in so everyone would know where they stood on money.

Motion Denied

Joan Perry wanted to know why the figure was for only 9 months.It was explained that it had to follow the calendar year.Elizabeth Bouley asked several questions dealing with the amount of calls, time of day, how the members would be paid, at what level training were they, and that in her opinion it was a sizeable amount.Laurie answered her questions with facts from the past records of the Rescue Squad and explained that a lot o the cost would go to training and on and off call hours.Mark Goldberg pointed out that this would be an experiment as most towns did not approach emergency needs quite this way.John Harris wanted to know how much return from insurance companies could be expected.Mark Goldberg stated that at present the figure was being billed was between $20,000.00 and $23,000.00.Christopher Leister stated that he had come from Vermont and that when they started billing they were able to purchase additional equipment.Laurie Methven supports the article.

Article Carried

Article #15 will be taken up later.

Article 16:To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to fund the Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 17.To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for Road Sealant.This is a non lapsing appropriation and will continue until December 31, 2013 or until used. Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 18. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to purchase a parcel of land now owned by Richard and Anne Branch, identified as Map 3 Lot 107 for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00).The purchase of this property is needed to accommodate the Jones Road Bridge reconstruction project, and will replace easement rights to the same parcel previously authorized by the 2007 town meeting and negotiated by the Selectmen.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends. Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 19.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to complete the paving between the intersection of Jones Road and Cheney Hill Road.This will be a non lapsing appropriation to continue until the money is spent or December 31, 2013.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded

Allan Clark wanted to know where is is located.Steve Lucier explained that it was a very small section that was left out when the intersection was reworked last year.

Article Carried

Article 21.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to be placed in the Bridge Repair Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends. Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 22.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for the Ambulance Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 23.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the Town Facilities Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget CommitteeMoved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 24.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for town hall improvements.This will be a non lapsing appropriation and will continue until the money is spent or until December 31, 2013.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Christopher Frey wanted to know what do we get for this money.Cheryl Behr explained that it would go to painting a portion of the outside of the building.

Article Carried

Article 25.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the Repair of Town Buildings Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 26.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) for the Fire Dept Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 27.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the Fire Dept Building Repair Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 28.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the Police Building Capital Reserve.This article will be withdrawn if the Bond passes for the New Police Facility.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 29.To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy Five Thousand dollars ($75,000) for the design of Bridge #098-114 on West Road.This will be a non lapsing appropriation until the money is spent or December 31, 2013.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Gary Wall wanted to know if the figure was just for design.Cheryl Behr stated that it was.Gary Wall wanted to know where it was going cost wise.Cheryl Behr said that it was going to cost $500,000.00 and the town portion would be 20%.Janet Clark asked if this would go out for bid.Cheryl Behr answered in the affirmative.There was a count of hands.

Yes84No45 Article Carried

Article 30.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500) for road signs to complete the 9-1-1 renumbering process.This will be a non lapsing appropriation continued until the money is used or December 31, 2013.Selectmen recommend. Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

William Glennie stated that he thought that we were all done with signs.Peter Fenton explained that we need to put signs on all roads including private ones for 911.Leah Keller wanted to know if this meant that the town would pay for the sign on her road.Peter said yes.

Article Carried

Article 31.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for the Main Street Sidewalk Improvements Capital Reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Gary Wall and George Cilley both spoke in favor of the article.

Article Carried

Article 32.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) for the Gravestone Repair Expendable Trust.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 33.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Dollars ($2,880) to reimburse the Fire Fighters Association for the money originally invested in the forestry truck.This truck was sold at state auction in 2007 and will be funded from surplus.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Christopher Frey explained that this article was to straighten out how the billing is done.

Article Carried

Article 34.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,750). for the Bradford Newbury Sutton Youth Sports.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article 35.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000) for the Boat launch.Moved and Seconded.

James Pickman asked what the money was for.Steve Lucier explained that it went to the cost of monitoring weeds coming and going into the lake.

Article Carried

Article 36.To create a Reevaluation Capital Reserve Fund for the 2010 state determined review, and to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to fund the reserve.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends. Moved and Seconded.

Philip LaMoreaux questioned how much it cost for a reval.Peter Fenton explained the cost starts at $97,000.00.

Article Carried

Article #37 will be taken up later.

Article 38.To see if the town will vote to accept the dedication of the private road known as “Chestnut Hollow” as a Class V town road.The road is located adjacent to Forest Street in Bradford, and meets the requirements of the Land Subdivision Regulations for the Town of Bradford as adopted in 1986.By Petition

James Pickman asked if it was paved.Brett Cusick answered that it was.Ann Eldridge wanted to know how long is the road.Brett Cusick said it was just over 1000 feet Christopher Frey feels that it should be left as it is and not accepted.Ann Eldridge asked how much would it cost to maintain the road.Steve Lucier stated that the road is built to town standards.It would be zero cost for about 10 years.Brett Cusick stated that the road was built above specifications.Gary Wall wanted to know if dedication is the same as classification.Why should the town accept?There doesn’t appear to be an advantage to the town.No advantage to be gained by town.Brian Carter pointed out the drainage problem previously experienced by the sub-division.Julie Lutter stated that she paid the same taxes as all other residents and feels that this should be accepted.Andrew Pinanrd asked how much would it cost to repave the road.Steve Lucier replied that at the present rate it would cost $40,000.00.George Cilley wanted to know if the Planning Board sanctioned this road.Philip LaMoreaux said the road is acceptable.There was a count of hands.

Yes58No73Article Not Carried

Article 39.To see if the town will vote to approve the following resolution to be forwarded to our State Representatives, our State Senator and our Governor:

Resolved:We the citizens of Bradford, NH believe in a New Hampshire that is just and fair.The property tax has become unjust and unfair.State leaders who take a pledge for no new taxes perpetuate higher property taxes.We call on our State Representatives, our State Senator and our Governor to reject the “Pledge”, have an open discussion covering all options and adopt a revenue system that lowers property taxes.By Petition.Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article #8 is taken up next.

Article 8.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($201,250.) to construct a road to improve access to the existing transfer station.This will be a non-lapsing appropriation and will continue until the funds are expended or December 31, 2013.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Thomas Riley explained the plan with a graphic display.Brooks McCandlish motioned to pass over this vote until after the results of the Article #7 bond question.

Motion Not Carried

John Harris stated that the road is not necessary since Articles #5 & 6 failed.

Article Not Carried

Article #9 is taken up next.

Article 9.To see if the town will vote to purchase road access from the State of NH for map #3lot #110and to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.) for that purpose.This will be a non-lapsing appropriation and will continue until the funds are expended or December 31, 2013.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Christopher Frey wanted to know if we had to pay for safety concerns.Peter Fenton explained that an Engineering study would be required.Any corrections we would have to pay for.Philip LaMoreaux, and Gary Wall both feel that it would be a good idea to go ahead with this article.Donald Johnsen wanted to know if we are able to refuse to upgrade the access.Andrew Pinard stated that we do not have to accept an upgrade.Robert Stewart stated that it was a right of way only.Andrew Pinard stated that we currently use the access and it is of great value for town use.Cheryl Behr stated that the property easement would not be passed on to another owner.Jonathan Marden wanted to know if we were under any obligation to do anything with this property.A new owner would have to reapply.Steve Lucier stated that this access would be most convenient if in fact the gathered voters had voted in favor of the Highway Garage on the lower site (Article #7)

Article Not Carried

Peter Fenton recognized Edythe Craig for her many years of volunteer service to the Town of Bradford.Edythe has served on many committees and boards including the Planning Board, Trustee of the Trust Funds, a member of the Master Plan, the Bradford Community Center, Women’s Christian Guild, and the Union Congregational Society Treasurer.She also worked on the Lettvin Concerts and we thank her for her dedication to the town.

Article #15 is taken up next.

Article 15.To raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Five Thousand ($25,000) to begin necessary repairs to the current highway garage.This article will be withdrawn if the bond issue for the Highway garage passes.This is a non-lapsing appropriation and will continue until December 31, 2013 or until used.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Steve Lucier proposed an amendment for $75,000.00 to be added to this article. A Show of Hands was taken.

Amendment Not Carried

Christopher Frey wanted to know if last year’s figure was a non-lapsing amount.Steve Lucier said that it was not.

Article Carried

Article #20 is taken up next.

Article 20.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for the New Highway Garage Capital Reserve.This article will be withdrawn if the bond passes for the new Highway building.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends. Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Article #37 is taken up next.

Article 37.To see if the town will vote to withdraw Forty Thousand ($40,000) from the New Highway Garage Capital Reserve for the purpose of continuing research and preparation for a new highway garage.This article will be withdrawn if the Bond for a new garage is approved.Selectmen recommend.Budget Committee recommends.Moved and Seconded.

Philip LaMoreaux proposed an amendment to add to Article #37 as follows: To amend article #37 to add:A portion of the funds approved shall be expended to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and if necessary based upon the results of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment a Phase II investigation of the lower dump site to assess the suitability of this area for future location of town facilities.

Philip LaMoreaux feels this is necessary to clean up questions that arise each year pertaining this site.

A Show of Hands was taken

Amendment Carried

Article Carried

Article 40. To see if the town will vote to accept the reports of the Town Officers.To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting..Moved and Seconded.

Article Carried

Meeting adjourned at 11:05

Jonathan Steiner, Peter Fenton, Ann Lucier, Lester Gordon, John Meaney, Christopher Aiken, Thomas Riley, Philip LaMoreaux, Barry Wheeler, Delbert Harris III, Dawn Rich, William Glennie, Amy Blitzer,and Roderick Jones were sworn in on March 12 and March 14, 2008

Bradford Board of Selectmen

Peter Fenton, Chairman
Andrew Pinard
Charles Meany

A True Copy Attest:

Susan Pehrson
Town Clerk/Tax Collector