Budget Committee Minutes 10.19.17


October 19, 2017

Meeting called to order at 6:41 pm by Beth Downs.

Members Present

Beth Downs, Chair; Michael James; Claire James; Kathy Rodgers; Chris Mock; Dave Nunnally; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Review Minutes from Last Meeting:

The minutes from the August 17, 2017 meeting were approved unanimously.

3rd Quarter Expense Figures:

The Committee reviewed the third quarter expense report. It was noted again that the Bridge line has gone over budget. This was due to the Water Street Bridge work in March. The line for Patriotic Purposes is over due to the expanded fireworks display we had this year. Fundraising to match the Atlas Pro donation did not go as well as hoped. As was mentioned at the last meeting, Street Lighting is also over budget and expected to continue to go over. This is due to the fact the Town installed LED street-lighting over the summer. The cost was approximately $5000 with a $2700 rebate from Eversource. The savings from the LED lighting should pay for itself in 18 months to 2 years. Welfare Payments is also over budget. It was explained that this is beyond our control and that the welfare officer works hard to keep these expenses within budget.

Upcoming Budget Cycle:

There was a brief discussion about the upcoming budget cycle and the process this year. Budget worksheets have gone out to Dept Heads and are due back tomorrow. The Select Board will meet and start to review budgets on November 13th. John will talk to the Select Board and nail down their process. It makes some sense to have some joint meetings as to be efficient in our use of time. Questions as to the details of our bidding process and guidelines were raised. There was also a request that the funds received from the additional Highway Block Grant ($76,730) be used to fund the balance that the town needs to raise for the Bement Bridge.

Michael requested that the use of capital reserves to fund capital expenses (instead of using leases) be put first on the next agenda. He would also like to discuss the CIP at the next meeting.

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Community Center. All Budget Committee members were encouraged to attend the Select Board meeting on November 13th at 5:30 as they begin their budget discussions.

As there was no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 7:49.

Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton.