BACC Minutes 08.02.11

BACC Governance Board

Work Session Discussion

August 2, 2011 4:30 pm

Present: Kate Dobrowski, Bruce Edwards, Debbie Flinkstrom, Karen Hambleton, Bob Manchester, Margaret Raymond, Ona Ruchti, Jim Valiquet

Absent: Will Hurley, Christine Waite

Guests: Bill Cote, Kerry Horne, Trudy Willet

The meeting opened the meeting at 4:37 pm.

Jim recapped the developments over the past 8 months or so and why we had requested guidance from the LGC.

Kerry explained that it is her understanding that the Selectboard can appoint anyone they choose to the Commission, including folks who do not reside in Bradford.

Two LGC sponsored workshops that might be of interest to us are:

Usage of Volunteers – September 13th 8:30 – noon

Facility Use – October 4th 8:30 – noon

There were questions about revolving funds. Revolving funds can pay staff, support programs, etc, however, it gets more complicated when maintenance is involved. The money from a revolving fund must be used for its stated purpose and nothing else. Revolving funds are managed by the Town.

The Special Reserve Fund may better serve our purposes.

Kerry suggested that we need to understand what it is that the Selectboard wants us to do. We need an enabling act giving us authority, responsibility and accountability. Clear guidelines are necessary.

It was suggested that we develop a time line to getting this done.

The Bristol Community Center may be a good model for us. Kerry thought that it might be operated 100% independently from the Town.

There needs to be clear direction on how all the groups (Friends of BACC, Parks & Rec, Governance Commission) work together.

Article 41 may need to be re-worded and go before Town Meeting to clarify it.

Kerry agreed to check on the following for us:

Appointments of non-Bradford residents to the Commission

How Bristol’s Community Center operates

Liability questions

An enabling act

Whether or not our establishment under RSA 35B means we fall under Parks & Rec

Examples of guidelines, bylaws and other documents

Next meeting : August 9th 4:30pm

Next work session : August 24th 4:30

The meeting adjourned at 6:00.

Respectfully submitted, Karen Hambleton