Budget Committee Minutes 01.05.17




January 5, 2017

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm by Beth Downs.

Members Present: Beth Downs, Chair; Dick Keller; Chris Mock; Kathy Rodgers; Dave Nunnally; John Pfeifle, Selectman (arrived at 6:52pm) Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent: Michael James

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes were approved with one correction “The Committee reviewed all expenses.”

Review of Budgets:

The Budget Committee went through each line item of the budgets and discussed any questions.

Executive: The Committee approved this budget 5-0

Election, Registration & Vital Statistics: The Committee approved this budget 5-0

Financial Administration: The Committee would like to have the Town Clerk/Tax Collector further explain a few line items on this budget (Conferences, Computer Supplies, Software Support, Clerk election expense, Fees & Licenses, and Equipment Purchase)

Revaluation of Property: The Committee approved this budget 6-0

Legal: The Committee approved this budget 6-0

Planning & Zoning: The Committee approved this budget 6-0

Gen Govt. Bldgs: The Committee would like more information on Repairs & Maintenance and Town Landscaping. Karen will bring additional information to the next meeting.

Cemetery: The Committee approved this budget 4-2

Insurance: The Committee approved this budget 6-0

Other General Govt.: The Committee approved this budget 6-0

Police Department: The Committee would like to have the Chief of Police come in and further explain the following line items in this budget: (Wages-Police Secretary, Overtime, Telephone, Software Support, Hospital blood draw, Animal/Vet, Dispatch, Repair-Radios, Dues & Subscriptions, SOU, Supplies-Training, Police equipment, Gasoline & oil, Vehicle Repairs, Rental & expenses, and Copier)

The Committee decided to end the meeting and will pick up with the Fire Department Budget at the next meeting.

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 9th, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Community Center (following the Selectmen’s meeting).

As there was no further business to come before the Committee, meeting adjourned at 8:42.

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.