Budget Committee Minutes 01.26.17



Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Beth Downs.

Members Present: Beth Downs, Chair; Dick Keller; Chris Mock; Dave Nunnally; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Jim Bibbo, Selectman

Members Absent: Kathy Rodgers

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes for 1.19.16 were approved with the following changes: Remove Dave Nunnally from the present list and add him as absent. Add that there are 3 full time police officers and 8 part time officers in the Bradford Police Department.

Meeting with Department Heads:

4312 Highway Department- Barry Wheeler

Barry submitted a letter last week indicating he would not be appearing before the Budget Committee. Dave motioned to not vote on the Highway Department Budget unless the Department Head was there to answer any questions that arose. Michael seconded; vote 4-2. John then motioned the Highway Department be funded at the same level as in 2016, which was $505,000 (as opposed to the $509,857.57 requested for 2017). Dave Seconded; vote 5-1

4913 Capital Project Funds:

01-4913-3000: Highway equipment- The Highway Department is requesting a new Loader. After trading in their current loader the cost would be$125,000.00. It was determined that a new loader is in the CIP for 2019. Michael made a motion not to approve the loader, Dave seconded and the vote was 4-2 passing the motion.

01-4913-6000: Revaluation capital reserve- Karen is asking for $5,000.00 to be placed in capital reserve for the 2020 revaluation. Dave made a motion to approve this request, Michael seconded it, vote 6-0 passing the motion.

01-4913-7000 BNSYS (Bradford-Newbury-Sutton Youth Sports)- is requesting $2,750.00. Dave made a motion to accept this request, Michael seconded, vote of 6-0 passing the motion.

01-4913-7001: Police Cruiser- this warrant line is for $9,200.00 represents the 2017 lease payment on the new cruiser. Dave made a motion to accept this request and Michael seconded it, vote of 6-0 passing the motion.

01-4913-7003: Asphalt Road Repair for $50,000.00. Michael made a motion to accept this request, Dick seconded, and the vote was 6-0 in favor.

01-4913-7007: Master Plan. The Planning Board is requesting $5,000.00 for the master plan. The total cost will be $10,000.00, however the Planning Board proposes this be split over 2 years. Dave made a motion to accept this request, Dick seconded, and the vote was 6-0 in favor.

01-4913-6000: Boat Launch is requesting $6,000.00. Dave made a motion to approve, John seconded, vote of 6-0 in favor.

01-4913-7013: Fire Department Equipment- The Fire Dept is asking for $35,000.00 for a new air compressor. Dave made a motion to approve, Michael seconded, and the vote was 6-0 in favor.

01-4913-9300: Road work- The Highway Department requests $110,000.00 for road work. John made a motion to approve this, Dick seconded. The vote was 3-3, thus the motion did not carry.

Cemetery Headstone Repair: They are requesting $10,000.00. Dave made a motion to deny this request, John seconded and the vote was 6-0 in favor.

BACC tree removal: This was something mentioned in a Select Board meeting and details were unclear. Chris made a motion to reject this warrant, Dave seconded, and the vote was 6-0 in favor.

Town Hall Restoration: Brackett Scheffy presented the Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee’s proposal for a warrant article this year. He explained in detail how they came up with the figures. Dick made a motion to recommend $913,610 for the warrant article, Beth seconded, with a vote of 4-2 in favor.

4915 Capital Reserve:

01-4902-7410: Highway Expendable Trust: The highway department is asking for $40,000.00, Dave made a motion to accept, Michael seconded and the vote was 6-0 in favor.

*Beth made a motion to table to remaining Capital Reserve Requests till the next meeting, Dave seconded with a vote of 6-0 in favor.

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 30, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Community Center (following the Selectmen’s meeting).

As there was no further business to come before the Committee, meeting was adjourned at 8:48pm.

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.