Budget Committee Minutes 8.18.16




Meeting called to order at 6:30pm by Beth Downs.

Members Present

Beth Downs; Dick Keller; Chris Mock; Kathy Rodgers; Dave Nunnally; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; John Pfeifle, Selectman

Members Absent

Michael James


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Motion made to approve minutes of July 21, 2016 with no changes. Vote was unanimous


Warrant Articles:

Per the CIP (Capital Improvement Plan), the Fire department needs a Fire Pumper Truck and also needs a breathing air compressor that will cost around $30,000-$40,000. John feels the Town should consider the pumper truck because of the current interest rates. He feels that there is a very small chance that the interest rates will go down and a very high chance that they will go up. So this year would make the most sense for that purchase.

Road crew is requesting the same thing they did last year. Transfer Station, Community Center, and Library all are doing well with their budgets this year.

Town Hall: Issue with heating, the Fire Marshal wants new heating in the building so they are researching different temporary solutions. Currently there are only 51 people allowed in the Town Hall at one time. The committee also discussed adding more to Capital Reserves.


Rules of Procedure and Code of Conduct:

Dave Nunnally presented the Board with a draft of Budget Committee By-Laws. The board went through each section as a group and made changes. Karen will help Dave with the language regarding warrants. Dave asked that if Board members have any additional changes they would like to see to please email the changes directly to Dave and he will add them to his draft. Dave will continue working on these.


Other Business:

  • John Pfeifle is going to Newbury on Monday August 22 to talk about joint town efforts.
  • Motion made for the Board to start the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Vote 6-0

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Sep. 15, 2016 at 6:30pm at the Town Hall.

As there was no further business to come before the committee, the meeting adjourned at 7:42.


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.