Cemetery Minutes 04.09.15

CEMETERY MINUTES                                                             April 9 ,2015


Members present:   Carey Rodd, Jane Lucas  , and Diane Whalley


April 1st opening day is postponed until the snow has melted

New signs have been delivered for Presbury , Marshall and New Pond cemeteries. They will be put up at each individual cemetery when the snow is gone.The invoice was copied and will be submitted to the town office for payment to MorganSigns .

The request for added funding for the tree budget was not addressed at the Town Meeting. There was not a cemetery representative there for the Article 4 budget article. It was determined that we will have to address any tree expenses with the existing budget of $1500 for this year.

The Grave Stone Repair Fund requesting an additional $1000 did pass giving us extra funding for repairs necessary at the Baptist Cemetery.

The Rules and Regulations for the Bradford Cemeteries was forwarded to Andrew Pinard who is the contact person for the town web site. The monthly meeting  minutes will also be sent for the website as well as a hard copy at the town offices

Diane will post a request in the “Bridge “ wanted ad for 2 portable pressurized water sprayers to be used for cleaning headstones  . Plans will be made for the KRHS who need community service hours to help with this project.


Jane Lucas was welcomed to the Cemetery Committee replacing Jim Lalla’s last year of his 3 year term.

Discussion was held regarding the need for improved documentation for maintenance work at the cemeteries. This will be discussed further with JimLord.