CIP Minutes 05.27.15



Meeting called to order by Marcia Keller, Chair, at 6:00pm

In Attendance

Marcia Keller, CIP Chair, Planning Board Alt; Jim Bibbo, School Budget Committee/Planning Board; Don Jackson, Budget Committee; Claire James, Planning Board; Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC; Katie Nelson, CNHRPC; Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief, present for Fire Dept. interview

Consideration of Minutes 04.15.15

Minutes were reviewed and accepted with corrections to start time, date and a typo.

Verify PB Appointment of CIP Committee

Appointments confirmed as follows:

Sonny Harris, Board of Selectmen

Don Jackson, Budget Committee

Barry Wheeler, Highway Dept.

Marcia Keller, CIP Chair, Planning Board

Claire James, Planning Board

Chief James Valiquet, Police Dept.

Jim Bibbo, School District, Planning Board

Interview 1: Fire Department

Applicant reviewed applications from 2015-2020 CIP that are still necessary and added previously filed applications (#42 & #48) for driveway replacement and sprinkler system into the queue. Katie Nelson will call the Fire Chief with questions on specific application wording in order to update last year’s forms.

Other Business

– As of this time no applications have been received from any other town departments. A compliance request letter will be sent out to department heads from representatives of the CIP, Planning Board and Board of Selectmen.

– The next two meeting dates have been changed to accommodate CNHRPC staff schedule conflicts. Department interviews will be held Wednesday, June 17, 2015 and Wednesday July 1, 2015.

The next CIP meeting will be held Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 6:00pm at the BACC Youth Room. Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.