Conservation Commission Minutes 04.15.14

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2014, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean

Secretary’s Report: The meeting minutes of 3/18/14 were accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report:  George and Scott have submitted a reimbursement request for the Saving Special Places registration fee. Meg reported $3.55 interest earned on accounts over the past two months.  The report was accepted as presented.

Sunapee Ragged Kearsarge Greenway Coalition: Gerry Gold presented a discussion at Warner Bookends store on 4/13 regarding the addition of trails to connect the Greenway through Bradford.  George, Seth, and Scott attended.  One option would be via Silver Hill/Penhallow Rd.  Further investigation is to be done.

Trail Maps: Trail maps need to be printed.  Seth made a motion to approve expenditure to update the map by adding Battles and Knight Hill summit trail spur; the motion passed. Katharine Nevins at Main St Bookends has offered to display and sell the trail maps for a percentage.  Nathanial suggested charging a fee for the maps as a means to recoup some of the printing expenses ($180/100).  The library is unable to make sales of anything but Meg thought a donation would be appropriate.  Seth volunteered to speak with Katharine for details.  Any decision will be held until then.

Saving Special Places: Scott and George shared information gleaned from workshops they each attended during this interesting and relevant event.

Bradford Fish and Game Club: Ann has attempted to contact, and left a second message for Fritz von Beren regarding the status of the Gillingham Drive property.

Warner River Floodplain Protection Designation: The Selectmen need to approve Bradford’s participation in this program, Ann and Seth to attend a Selectmen’s meeting to discuss.

Roadside Cleanup: This event is scheduled for Saturday 26 April, although some have begun filling the blue bags already and leaving them at roadsides.  Seth and Lois have done an outstanding job in organizing and advertising this town-wide effort.  Blue bags are available at the dump and can be returned there or left by the road for pickup.

Sunset Lane Pond Construction: The landowner would like to relieve the wetland areas near his home by constructing a pond, and has approached BCC for a possible expedited wetlands permit.  George noted that the property is within 250 feet of a public waterway (Lake Todd), and therefore DES must be notified to comply with the Shoreland Water Protection Act.  A further concern of the BCC is vernal pool habitat preservation during the process.

Public Outreach: Ideas for possible future programs were discussed.  A birding walk on the Bradford Springs Hotel site in May would be interesting and fun; Ann will contact a local experienced birder for his expertise.  Meg will ask Laurie Buchar about co-presenting a historical perspective of the site.  Another idea is a loon presentation by Kitty Wilson; Patty will contact her to inquire.  The Andover Conservation Commission may have more ideas, as might the UNH Cooperative Extension.

Tilly Wheeler Trail Cleanup: Felicia Starr has contacted the BCC regarding organization of a trail cleanup day.  This was supported by present members, and a date will be announced.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.  The next meeting will be Tuesday 20 May, 2014, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary