Conservation Commission Minutes 07.16.13

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2013, 7:00pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: Seth Benowitz, Nathaniel Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, and Brooks McCandlish.  Scott was seated in the absence of George Beaton.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of 6/18/13 were amended to reflect the correct date of the Woods Forum at Amy Blitzer’s home on Tuesday, July 30 at 7pm.  The amended minutes were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg reported $.97 interest earned on account in June.  There was $10 in donations collected at the recent town fair booth, and this will be shared with the Rural Heritage Connection.

Beaver Deceivers Program: Skip Lisle will present his program on Thursday August 1 at 7pm at the Baptist Church in No. Sutton.  It was opined that the Bradford Road  Crew may benefit from the program; Seth proposed forwarding information to Barry Wheeler and Sonny Harris.

Lake Massasecum Property, Map20, Lot22: A concerned landowner states the right of way through the property is a potential source of erosion and runoff into the lake.  Ann visited the property earlier, and reported on her observations.  It was decided that an investigation is warranted, and Ann will contact the Land Resource Management Program to look at the situation.

Bradford Bog Boardwalk Repair Day: The calendar was consulted, and decided the repair day will be Sunday October 20.  This is one of the trailwork projects of the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition, and Ann will notify Gerry Gold of the date so the coalition can advertise the event and organize volunteers.

Brad Morrow, Lake Massasecum: BCC comments were sent to the ZBA regarding relocating of a cabin further from the shore of the lake.

BCC Membership List: The current list has been given to the town clerk.  The Selectmen have formally appointed Scott as an alternate to the BCC.

Letter of Appreciation: Ann read a letter from the Selectmen to the BCC, expressing a job well done on the 2013 Natural Resource Inventory.

E. Washington Rd Conservation Easement: The current landowner has expressed interest in a possible conservation easement on the property, which is a focus property for Ausbon Sargent. An appraisal of the property is necessary to proceed; estimated cost of an appraisal is $1500-$2000.  The landowner lacks funds for this.  The RHC is willing to contribute $500, and discussion on a BCC contribution ensued.  Brooks made a motion that the BCC pledge $1000 for the project only if it goes forward.  An owner commitment is absolutely necessary.

Wetland Reserve Program: Ann gave information to Sonny Harris on this grant program.  Nathaniel presented an article from the 7/10/13 Weekly Market Bulletin regarding the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service  emergency watershed protection program, which may be of benefit to Sonny also.  Nathaniel will pass the information on to him. There is potential grant money through the NRCS, and other landowners who may benefit were mentioned.  Brooks will contact the NRCS to inquire about deadlines for application.  The BCC is willing to assist interested landowners with the application process.
Blitzer Easement Hike: This Ausbon Sargent sponsored hike is Thursday, August 1 at 4pm.

Rick Libby Moose Program: The presentation will be Friday August 16, 7pm at the Bradford Community Center.  Colorful posters made by Seth were distributed for posting.  The event is also advertised in the current Bridge and Intertown Record.

NRI: The soils chapter synopsis has been submitted to the August Bridge.  George and Seth have mounted the aerial map, and Seth will frame it.  Big thanks were expressed to these ambitious men!  Meg suggested that NRI maps be displayed on the library art wall; there is room for 3 maps.  Cost for mounting would be approximately $100 ($5/sq ft @ 6 sq ft each map).  It was decided to display Farmland and Forest Soils, Drinking Water Threats, and Unfragmented Blocks.

The next meeting will be Tuesday August 20, 2013, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary