Conservation Commission Minutes 07.18.17

Bradford Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
18 July, 2017

Present:Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of 6/20/17 were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated that the Forest Maintenance CD has been reinvested in the same account.

Correspondence: An intent to cut has been submitted to the Selectmen’s agenda. Seth will ask Karen to notify the BCC in advance.

Beaver Deceiver: Seth presented information on Skip Lisle’s Beaver Deceiver, and possible locations for installation were discussed. He estimated the cost to be $2000-$2500, including installation.

Agricultural Zoning: Brooks emphasized the importance of not separating agriculture from other zoning, and having an affirmative right to agriculture in any zone to protect and promote agriculture. Also discussed was the possible change in the current use ordinance, in that farm buildings would be taxed, but not the land. This would be a matter to present at town meeting.

Ausbon Sargent: The Blitzer hike will be led by Andy Deegan on Tuesday, August 15 from 2-4pm.

Climate Change Presentation: Climate and Our Changing Landscape will be presented by Hank Art, PhD, on Thursday, September 21, 7pm at Colby Sawyer’s Wheeler Hall. Dr Art is a professor of biology at Williams College.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:45pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday August 15, 2017 at 7pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary