Conservation Commission Minutes 07.19.14

DRAFT Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2014, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish
Secretary’s Report: The meeting minutes of 6/17/14 were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg reported $1.83 interest earned on accounts.  Payment has been made to update the trail maps.
Planning Board:  There are plans to move the Historical Building to a site adjacent to the Tin Shop. Concerns discussed included the swale at the site, which is not indicated on the map, as well as the drainage of the parking area.  Ann mentioned the parking area is showing iron bacteria which may have implication of subsurface metals. The bacteria itself is not toxic.
July 5th Tall Pines Hike: Perry Teele remarked that there are two dead tall pines, which should be taken down.  Inge Seaboyer, a forester with the State, will be contacted regarding this process.  Perry suggested using parts of the trees for education, such as a display of growth rings.
Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Regional Workday: Gerry Gold provided possible dates of project assistance.  The group decided to request Sunday September 28th, and the project will entail constructing waterbars on Dunfield Road, and addressing wet areas on nearby sections of Knights Hill Trail as time allows.
Ausbon Sargent Quarterly Meeting: Seth attended this recent gathering, and reported on some of the many job opportunities in the field of conservation.  There will be a fall workshop, topic to be announced.
Warner River Protective Designation Program: Ann reported that a grant to cover the cost of application was not awarded and that other options for funding are being explored.  It was reinforced that the application process can take one to two years.
Ground Water Protection: The group discussed heightening the protection of the aquifer through groundwater reclassification with DES.  Brooks commented that this makes sense in situations where a town is considering a public water supply.
NH GRANIT Maps: With kudos to Brooks, the maps have been reviewed and are up to date.
Bog Boardwalk Repair: Team George and Seth have volunteered to repair the camp fire damage to a section of the boardwalk.  While in the neighborhood, they will also mow at the Bradford Springs Hotel site. Thanks guys!
Kittie Wilson Loon Presentation: This program will be presented Tuesday, August 5, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.  Patty has distributed posters, and will send notice to The Bridge, as well as The Intertown Record.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.  The next meeting will be Tuesday August 19, 2014, 7pm at BML.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary