Conservation Commission Minutes 08.16.16

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

16 August, 2016, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish

Secretary’s Report: The draft minutes of 7/19/16 were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: The report was not read due to the absence of the treasurer.

Lumber Barn Expansion: NH DEA Shoreland approval has been given; however, the expansion is on hold.

Davis Road, Map 22/Lot 16 Variance Appeal: There is a proposal to raze a home at this location (41 ft. from the shoreline and non-conforming) and relocate it at a 50 ft. setback from the shoreline. The current setback requirement is 75 ft. The owner contends that conforming to the setback would have more negative impact due to severe alterations to the lot. Also, a new driveway would need to be constructed, requiring the removal of trees. There will be a public hearing at the next ZBA meeting.

Wetland Ordinance Review: There was discussion on what defines a wetland. We will review how other commissions have applied this in their town’s ordinances at a future meeting.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. The next meeting will be 20 September, 2016, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary