Conservation Commission Minutes 08.19.14

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
August 19, 2014 at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Brooks, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish.
Secretary’s Report: The meeting minutes of 7/19/14 were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Trail map printing costs of $130 will be paid when Ann receives her canceled check.
Warner River Protective Designation Program: there will be a meeting at the Warner Conservation Commission meeting Wednesday September 3.  Seth will attend to represent Bradford.
Sunapee Resort Expansion: There is a 5-year update meeting Tuesday August 26 at the lower lodge at Mt Sunapee.  The BCC did not support this expansion on state-owned property in a 2009 correspondence, and it will be important to find out if any changes have been made in the plan.
East Washington Road Logging: The permit from DES is in place; Ann suggests contacting James Anderson (owner) and Jason Curtis (logger) to ensure that erosion protection measures such as straw bales are in place before the next rain storm.  Brooks and George stated that they will inspect the site.
Jewett Road: Andy Deegan has been in contact with the owner regarding conservation, but no word as yet.
Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition Trail Day: Knights Hill trail work will take place Sunday September 28 to repair and build water bars.  Advertising will be handled by Gerry Gold, and George has offered to be the contact person.
Bradford Bog Boardwalk Repair Day:  The group set the date as Sunday October 19.  We will need an article for the Bradford Bridge and Intertown Record.  The possibility of inviting students from NRI to assist was discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.  The next meeting will be Tuesday September 16, 2014, 7pm at BML.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary