Library Trustee Minutes 01.03.18

Brown Memorial Library Trustee
Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Attendance: Mary Chris Duncan, Connie Scheffy, Patty Furness, Nola Jordan, Annette Leonas, Sandy Wadlington, and Meg Fearnley. The board meeting was called to order at 6:00prm.

1. The secretary’s report was presented, and a motion was made and passed to accept the report.

2. The treasurer’s report was presented. The library received $451.85 from general donations and $99.00 from the on-going book sale. A motion was made and passed to accept the donations. Library has spent total appropriation for 2017, yearly total of $70,000. We were over by a few thousand dollars, about $1,200 taken out of special projects for books. Another $528.00 was spent on oil this year. Nola mailed treasurer’s report, paid the taxes, and filled out the W-2 form. Investment policy needs to be approved or changed so Nola can send to Terry Knowles. Nola will be away on February 18, 2108, so Patty will take care of the pay role. Motion was made to accept and pass the treasurer’s report.

3. The librarian’s report was presented, and the number of patrons were down for the month of December. However, more audio books were checked out than previous months. Meg reminded group that Karen needs year end Trustee report for town report.

4. Old Business

A. Library trustees will continue to discuss the various options for lighting the library more economically. Mary Chris will contact lighting expert to get additional information that will help group make an informative choice.

B. Custodial hours are being recorded, but there may be a need for additional hours to help keep library clean.

5. New Business

A. Meg passed out library job descriptions and ideal hours for future and upcoming change with Library Director hire in the spring. Discussed the need to advertise Library Director position on state library website. Advertising the position should be done in February or March 2018. Meg will work on application and have it ready for Trustee meeting in February. In addition to Library Director position, there may be a need for additional Library Assistants.

B. Trustees also discussed options to help divide Treasurer’s duties. Group discussed the idea of some of the treasurer’s duties assigned to library employees and possibly a bookkeeper to help with more specific accounting responsibilities. Trustees will discuss in more detail during February meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm. The next meeting will be held on February 7, 2018, at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Barselle