Library Trustee Minutes 03.01.17

Minutes, March 1, 2017

The board meeting for the Brown Memorial Library was called to order at 6:05PM.
In attendance were: Patty Furness, Mary Chris Duncan, Annette Leonas, Nola Jordan, Sandy Wadlington and Meg Fearnley.

1. The secretary’s report was presented and accepted.
2. Treasurer’s report was presented and “all is well”. We received 15 thousand from the town for our appropriation. We spent $565 (under payroll) for Quick Books. We discussed prices for copies.
3. Librarian’s Report- February was a short month and there was a snow day. E books are up from last year.
4. Old Business-Fire alarm system was repaired in February. Lift had been out of service but was repaired in February. (The problem was electrical).
By-laws need to be revisited. We have policy but no by-laws. Mary Chris and Annette are looking into that and will draft a new set of by-laws and policy.
5. New business- We notified Clough of the go-ahead for the new furnace and are now waiting for town meeting.
March 23 at 7PM there will be a meeting at the library on women workers of WWI which is being sponsored by the Friends of the library.
Kearsarge Food Hub (Sweet Beet) would like to present a food safety handling workshop at the library sometime in March. We were in favor.

Next meeting April 5th. Motion to adjourn at 6:45PM

Respectfully submitted by Sandy Wadlington