Library Trustee Minutes 10.04.17

Brown Memorial Library Trustee Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Attendance: Connie Scheffy, Patty Furness, Nola Jordan, Annette Leonas, Sandy Wadlington, Meg Fearnley, and Ellen Barselle. The board meeting was called to order at 6:05prm.

1. The secretary’s report was presented, and a motion was made and passed to accept the report.

2. The treasurer’s report was presented. The library received donations in the total amount of $1,560.00 dollars: $949.00 from the Labor Day Weekend book sale, $180.00 from the on-going book sale, $411.00 from general donations, and $20.00 for damaged books. A motion was made and passed to accept the donations. A motion was made and passed to accept the treasurer’s report. Expenses mostly running on target for the year, with exception for the line item of ink and copying paper. Budget may need to be adjusted to match expense of ink and paper for copying machine. Budget will be reviewed at the next meeting. Trustees discussed how to budget forward oil purchase as we are purchasing in a different way this year, through the Town of Bradford/Warner oil consortium versus pre-buying fuel.

3. The librarian’s report was presented and there continues to be a steady flow of library patrons and book circulation.

4. Old Business

A. LED lighting update: Meg called Eversource/NH Saves to determine if the library would be eligible to meet requirements to receive assistance in paying for LED lights. Currently, there is no more funding available for the year, but additional funding will be available in 2018. The library does not currently meet minimum hours of use to qualify under municipal funding, however, the program could still provide money saving incentives. Eversource will work with the library to assist in making the most educated choice in terms of lighting product. Eversource will call R & T electric to discuss their quote and determine if there are cheaper fixtures than what is currently quoted. Sandy consulted with Rockingham Electric who will be able to provide a lighting consultant to help assess the libraries lighting needs. Library trustees will continue to work on the most economical way of installing energy efficient lighting for the library.

5. New Business

A. Lamp post and railings outside need to be scraped, sanded, and repainted. Sandy has agreed to do the job, but will ask for help from the trustees if she needs assistance on the job.

B. The Masons of St. Peter’s Lodge No. 31 have invited Brown Memorial Library to receive a community service award. The luncheon will be held on Sunday, 10/8/17, and Meg and several of the trustees will be in attendance. The library thanks the Masons for the award and recognition.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 11/1/11, at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Barselle