NAC Steering Committee Minutes 02.04.08

FEBRUARY 4, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Tom Riley, Chair called the February 4, 2008 NAC meeting to order at 7:05 with: Everett Kittredge, Eileen Kelly, Kevin McKenna, Phil LaMoreaux, Andrew Pinard, Selectman and Dawn Rich, Correspondent. Cheryl Behr, Administrator was also present.

Acceptance of minutes of January 24, 2008:

Everett Kittredge advised the numbers used for dollar amounts quoted at the last meeting were incorrect, and the amounts used at tonight’s meeting will be used.

There being no omissions or corrections, the minutes were approved as read.


Report on check of specifications and costs for building contractors:

Everett Kittredge went over responses to addendum from both companies, Horne Construction and CMGC.

Highway Garage:

The total for the Highway Garage, design & Built quoted by Horne is: $ 938,125.00

The total amount for the Highway Garage design & Built by CMGC is:$1,001,352.00

Site Work for Horne is: $ 398,762.80

Site Work for CMGC is: $ 356,148.00

Making a total for Garage and Site Work for Horne Construction: $ 1,336,887.80

Making a total for Garage and Site Work for CMGC $ 1,357,500.00

Police Station:

The Total for the Police Station, design & Built quoted by Horne is: $ 528,680.00

The Total for the Police Station, design & Built quoted by CMGC is: 461,600.00

Horne Construction quoted a $40,000.00 reduction if both Police and Highway pass.


Discussion for Town Contractor Administration:

Everett Kittredge read a letter dated February 4, 2008 from Bruss Construction, Inc. providing pricing associated with pricing of the administration portion of the work for the proposed town facility.( Letter on file) They broke it into three separate scopes:

1. Contract Negotiation Oversight $ 750.00

2. Design Finalization Oversight $2,625.00

3. Construction Inspection & Documentation Review $5,250.00

Making a total cost of $8,625.00

Motion was made by Everett Kittredge to forward the request to the Selectmen, to request Bruss Construction to oversight contract negotiations, design finalization oversight and construction inspection and documentation review and use the money already available of seven hundred ($750.00). Motion seconded by Kevin McKenna. Motion carried 6-0. This request will be given to the Selectmen at their meeting on Feb. 5, 2008. It was advised the remaining seventy nine hundred ($7900.00) will be incorporated in the bond amount.

It was advised the Bond Hearing scheduled for February 16, 2008 at 10:00am located at the Bradford Elementary School has been posted. Three Bonds will be discussed. 1.) The Highway, 2.) The Police, 3.) The Partition . Andrew Pinard advised there will be a Selectmen’s Coffee Hour scheduled at 9:00am same day, same location. Dawn Rich, Correspondent also advised she will be making up some fliers to hand out as well.

Report of Building subcommittee:

Jon Marden advised they’ve had no meeting and none are planned.

Report of Financial subcommittee:

No report available

Town Hall Renovations subcommittee:

Audrey Sylvester advised there is nothing to report at this time.

Questions or comments from attendees:

No response

Tom Riley advised the Needs Assessment Committee had received a letter from Janet Sillars to which he immediately responded. The February Bridge also printed her letter to the NAC. Tom advised he will forward his response to her in the March Bridge.

Tom Riley, Chair read a letter received from Phillip Miles, Chief of Property Management, DOT, Bureau of Right of Way, regarding the Value for access point in Bradford on Route 103. Letter dated February 1, 2008. (Letter attached).

Upcoming Meetings:

Selectmen; 2/5/08; 6:00pm

Budget; 2/5/08; 7:00pm

Budget Hearing; 2/7/08; 7:00pm

Next Needs Assessment Committee Meeting is scheduled for:

Thursday, Feb. 11, 2008.

Adjourned 7:47pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary
