Planning Board Minutes 10.24.17






Meeting called to order by, at 7:00PM.

Members Present

Erich Caron, chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Garrett Bauer; Pam Bruss; Bob Close; Carol Troy; Sonny Harris (Selectmen rep);

Members Absent

Steve Chase, Alternate; Suzanne Simano, Alternate

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of 9.26.17 were approved. Minutes of 10.10.17 were approved.


Lot Line Adjustment Map3/Lot55&56:

Claire did some further research on road frontage and the land owner has requested to be on the agenda at the next meeting on 11.14.17. Claire will explain her findings to the land owner at that time.

Antique shop store front:

There has still been no change with the store front and it has been just about a month from when Claire first brought it to the owner’s attention. There will be a Notice of Site Plan Review sent and ask that the Property own attend the next meeting on 11.14.17.

Compassion Vet and Twigs Signage:

Erich reviewed the site plan for Compassions Vet and everything is on their site plan, in the exception of their new sign. The new sign also does not follow the Bradford’s Sign Ordinance so Erich is going to talk to the owner and inform her that it does not meet regulations. Erich is also going to talk to the Twigs owner because there is no mention of a sign on their site plan, and the Board remembers the owner saying at the public hearing that there will be no signage on the property. Erich will report back to the Board at the next meeting. Pam is also going to send the Board secretary an updated Zoning Ordinance because she has the program to convert a PDF into a word document, then the secretary will post the new Zoning Ordinance on the website.

Junk Yard application County Rd and Rowe Mountain Rd- Map9/Lot45:

William C. Heselton has submitted an application for his Junk Yard on County Rd and Rowe Mountain rd. The board reviewed the application. Heselton also submitted an electronic copy of his application and all the other materials and the Board Secretary will send to the Board for them to further review to make sure the application is complete. There was a motion to add this to the next agenda on 11.14.17 and request that Heselton is there to answer the Boards questions, Vote 7-0.

Other business:

  1. Letter from Selectmen for Site Plan review for Autocraft Map3/Lot1: The Board reviewed the letter from the Selectmen and Erich is going to follow up with the Town Attorney to see how they should proceed to ensure they are following all the correct steps moving forward.
  2. Budget: The Board reviewed the current budget request for last year and made their changes for the upcoming budget to be presented to the town at Town meeting. They are requesting their budget to remain the same with the exception of adding $2,000.00 for conferences, $5,000.00 for the second half of the Master plan, and $1,500.00 for Web consultant/Tax map work. Motion to approve new budget request, vote 7-0.
  3. CIP: Motion to hold a Public Hearing for the CIP on November 28th, vote 7-0. Claire will bring the CIP at the next meeting for the Board to review prior to the Public hearing.


The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2017 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 9:17 pm

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.