Planning Board Minutes 10.26.10

OCTOBER 26, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order with Phil LaMoreaux, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, and John Greenwood, Alternate present. Jim Bibbo, Alternate and Barbara Vannata are absent. Bill Glennie arrived. Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary arrived at 8:00pm, after the Selectmen’s meeting.

CIP Committee: Don Jackson, Chair, Jon Marden, Dick Keller, Marlene Freyler were also in attendance.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated John Greenwood for Barbara Vannata.

Consideration and Review of the Minutes of September 28, 2010:

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the September 28, 2010 minutes as presented. Barry Wheeler seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Marcia Keller, Chair brought up the Jones Road Gravel Pit, which is owned by the town, where they are going to level the land between there and Route 114. A Pit Agreement does need to be procured, under RSA 155-E:2 IV. This may be used for construction of the road, but a pit agreement must be filed with the regulator prior to the start of the excavation. They have to comply with operational standards the same as anyone else.

This appears to be a little confusing and it was suggested that Mary Pinkham-Langer be contacted for clarification, using the RSA, and Marcia Keller, Chair will do that.

CIP Update with Don Jackson, Chair:

Don Jackson, Chair explained to the Planning Board that the CIP is attempting to show you what each Department has asked for. Charts were handed out to the Planning Board Members to follow along with the explanation. Options were given over a five year period. The Capital items would be covered by Warrant Articles.

Marcia Keller stated that the sole purpose of the effect of the Capital Improvement Program shall be to aid the Selectmen and the Budget Committee in their consideration of the annual budget. Don Jackson stated that they need to prioritize what is needed for each department, and bring the total of all departments to $150,000 to $200,000 debt.

Marcia Keller stated the information that has been gathered is tremendous, and this is the first year the CIP has been done and given to the Selectmen and Budget Committee in the time frame they can use it.

Phil LaMoreaux read the following RSA 674:6 “The capital improvements program shall classify projects according to the urgency and need for realization.” Therefore, when you prioritize anything dealing with life safety it should probably be higher than esthetics or building safety, such as bridges as opposed to the town hall. Marcia Keller suggested that the rationale of what is needed as opposed wished for is not going to be obtained until the importance and the use of the CIP is established.

Jon Marden went over some of the graphs that was prepared and given to the Planning Board Members. Don Jackson advised that the CIP will be meeting again in the near future. (Since last night, a meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 7:00pm). Marcia Keller, Chair advised that after the presentation tonight, the final product is what the Planning Boards needs and will present it to the Selectmen the following week, along with the Budget Committee. Dick Keller suggested that this be a 6th year projection to go in line with what was read in the RSA.

Sonny Harris questioned when a comparison of the cost of the equipment versus taking into account the life span of it, is it also figuring in the cost of maintenance, repair and the operator’s cost and insurance of the equipment and operator and liability? Some discussion ensued about renting the work done.

Mention was made of the upcoming Forum meeting on November 6, 2010 and the response which seems to be positive per Don Jackson.

Marcia Keller, Chair thanked the CIP committee on behalf of the Planning Board for all that they have done this year.

To Do Folder:

The current bank statement was noted.

Hugh Wilkinson property on Old County Road, Map 9, Lot 47:

Mr. Wilkinson had met with Matt Monahan, Circuit Rider with CNHRPC discussing a three lot subdivision of 195 acres on Old County Road. There could possibly be a subdivision and boundary adjustment and Mr. Wilkinson should come into the planning board, which was never done. There are two deeds with only 1 piece showing on the tax map, and one tax bill. At this time there is a violation of the subdivision regulations.

Decision is to notify the property owner of record as it is still listed as one lot. The Selectmen also need to be notified as well as the assessor’s office being notified they should not create a separate tax lot until it is resolved.

David Feathers and his son were in to observe the workings of town government as Jason is working on a Scouting project. Marcia Keller, Chair gave a brief explanation of the operation of the Planning Board.

Naomi Payne, Old County Road, Map 13, Lot 22:

It was brought up that there may be a DES problem and a letter would be in order, and the Selectmen need to be alerted via a letter. It was thought that there are extensive wet lands where a road has been built.

Workforce Housing:

Workforce Housing and the wording was discussed at length. Bill Glennie and Harry Wright were at a meeting, and Ben Frost stated that having a lien on a property was equivalent to having an easement on the property. An electronic copy of our documents will be forwarded to Mr. Frost.

Buildable Acres:

Phil LaMoreaux will do the update and forward to the Secretary to be forwarded to the members.

Jim Bibbo will procure information regarding Wireless.

The Zoning Amendments will be circulated among the Board members prior to the next working meeting on November 23, 2010.

Rules of Procedure were also discussed for changes.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley