Planning Board Minutes 11.28.17






Meeting called to order by, at 7:00PM.

Members Present

Erich Caron, chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Garrett Bauer; Pam Bruss; Bob Close; Carol Troy; Sonny Harris (Selectmen rep); Doug Troy

Members Absent

Steve Chase, Alternate; Michael James

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of 11.14.17 were approved with the following changes: Add Michael James as absent.

Erich Caron wrote a letter stating that he will resign from the Planning Board at the end of December 2017 because of personal reason.

Follow up on Autocraft:

They have requested to be on the agenda for December 12th. The Board secretary called and confirmed that they will be in attendance at that time. It was suggested to have the police present. The Board secretary will contact the Chief of Police of Bradford and ask for their attendance at the meeting.


There will be a public hearing in January; they are still waiting on a few numbers to add to the CIP. Once the hearing has been scheduled it will be properly posted.

To Do:

  1. The Board secretary passed out the 2017 Municipal Law Update. The Board reviewed and Sonny Harris suggested that the Board review the case of Carlson v. Latvian.
  2. The Board secretary will contact and ask Miriam D’Angona if she still wants to be an alternate on the Planning Board.
  3. NFI Site Plan: The Board stated that as long as there is no change in use they just need to make a comment on the site plan indicating the population that they are serving.
  4. Harriet Hobbs: Claire James sent a certified letter regarding her gravel pit and it was returned stating it was undeliverable. Sonny Harris and Claire James will follow up.

Other business:

  1. Bob Close informed the Board that he will not be running at the next election. Garrett Bauer is up for election and there will be a seat to replace Bob Close. There will also need to be a new Chair appointed after elections.
  2. Erich Caron is working on the shooting range and hunting preserve proposal and will bring an updated proposal at the next meeting. The Board would like to have this on the upcoming ballot. There will need to be a Public Hearing heal and it will be determined at the next meeting after reviewing the proposal.
  3. The Public Hearing for the junk yard will be held at a special meeting on December 19th, there will be no meeting on December 26th. There will also be a site walk at the junk yard on December 16th.


The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2017 at 7:00pm at BACC. There will be no meeting on December 16th 2017.

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.