Planning Board Minutes 6.27.17





June 27, 2017



Meeting called to order by Erich Caron, at 7:04PM.

Members Present

Erich Caron, chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Carol Troy; Garret Bauer; Bob Close; Sonny Harris (Selectmen rep)

Members Absent

Pam Bruss; Suzanne Simano, Alternate; Steve Chase, Alternate


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of 6.13.17 were approved with changes: called to order by Erich Caron should say Claire James. Remove Bob Close from Members Absent and put in under Members Present. “Currently the building of the Post Office should say “the old Bruss Construction Building.


To Do Folder:

Erich read the letter regarding the Warner River Nomination, there will be a Public Hearing held on July 11, 2017 from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the Warner Town Hall, 5 East Main St Warner NH. This is being held at the time of the Planning Board’s next meeting so Board members will not be able to attend.



Beth Downs: Beth came to represent the RHC regarding the rail trail. She reported that there are members of the Lake Todd association that are not in support of the new proposed bridge that will cross Lake Todd parallel to Rt. 103. Bob Close was in touch with Lisa Meffert at the State and she informed Bob that this is no longer a Town manor and is being dealt with at the State level.



There are now 4 members of the CIP, Claire and Michael James, Jim Bibbo and Jason Allen. Claire will reach out to the ZBA to see if they have any members that are interested and she will also contact Laura Hallahan so see if she might be interested.


Gravel Pit update:

Claire is still working on the letter to Harriet Hobbs, she said that it will not be compete till after the 4th of July. Board reviewed Intent to excavate for Peter Isham signed on May 21st, 2017.



The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2017 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.