Planning Board Minutes 8.8.17






Meeting called to order by Clair James, at 7:01PM.

Members Present

Claire James, Vice Chair; Garrett Bauer; Pam Bruss; Carol Troy; Sonny Harris (Selectmen rep);Bob Close; Steve Chase, Alternate

Members Absent

Erich Caron, chair; Suzanne Simano, Alternate;

Claire seated Steve Chase for Erich Caron

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Unable to review the last meeting minutes, will review them on 8.22.17


Master Plan Update:

Mike Tardiff from Central Regional Planning Commission passed out a hand out explaining the nest steps that need to be taken. We started with the transportation Chapter and suggested that next month they start with the population and Economics and should be finished with this section around November. The Board also discussed having a vision session with the Town and Mike suggested having this in late January. It was also suggested to have the Conservation Committee involved; Claire will reach out to those members and ask if they would be interested in getting involved. He will need to attend a selectmen’s meeting to present a Letter of Agreement.

BNSYS Camila Devlin and Edward Shaughnessey:

BNSYS would like to have a sign at the Field across the street from the school. This will be a locally made sign/ letter Board. The Sign ordinance does not allow letter boards and therefore they will have to go in front of the ZBA. Motion to let BNSYS put up the sigh till the Public Hearing at the ZBA, Vote 7-0


Gravel Pit Update:

Claire presented the letter she drafted for Herriot Hobbs, the Board reviewed the letter and said that it was well written. Claire did confirm to the Board that she double checked all the RSA that were referenced and they are all accurate. Claire will run the letter by the town attorney and then send it out certified. Claire also said that she will be working on writing a similar letter to Isham.


Other Business:

  1. Claire handed out a document that she put together explaining in detail the Subdivision Regulations and presented a summary of important highlights for the Board.


The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for August 88, 2017 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 8:41 pm

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.