Safe Routes to Schools Minutes 01.13.11

JANUARY 13, 2011

Nik Coates, CNHRPC opened the Safe Route to School meeting which was held on January 13, 2011 at 3:43pm with Don West, Principal Bradford KRSD, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Dawn Rich, Laura Hallahan, Marilyn Gordon, Jim Valiquet, Police Chief, and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Don West, Principal stated that the concert at school went very well, and they did get some surveys, but not enough. Teacher surveys were few, but the parent surveys had about 80 returned. This will be revisited in the spring. It was thought that there are about 214 students and 180/190 families. Actually are hoping for a 75% return. There are other events coming up. Two news letters have gone out from the Principle’s office, and the teachers send them out regularly. Poster boards were mentioned as a possibility as well as putting information out in the business community.

TE Grant:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the RFQ’s have gone out for Engineers for the sidewalks and there was a great turn out held on January 5, 2011. January 20th is the date the proposals are due. Shelters for the students were also discussed at the Jan. 5th meeting. Other concerns noted were additional lighting by the Community Center, and a bike lane. The next round will be in July. One thought was to run the sidewalk down Greenhouse Lane, avoiding Route 114 to the Post Office. Another thought was to go down Cilley Lane.

Also brought up is the 24 acres off Main Street with the possibility of a HUD Senior housing which would be a good example for new road and best to put sidewalk in at that time. Nik offered language to put on file for future use which has been used by other towns/cities.


Don West, KRSD suggested he make available addresses and bus routes with no names attached. Other concerns noted were signs stating School Zone with hours.

Base maps 8 ½ x 11 could be distributed to parents and have their route to school traced which would highlight routes mostly used as well as most direct route.

Level of service analysis, including measurements, speed and each road would be graded as A the safest and E least safe. Accident data will be put on a map to show trouble spots. Chief Valiquet advised the intersection at Main Street and Route 114 is the area of concern. Speed and Traffic control will be done in the spring.


Nik Coates, NHRPC asked if anyone could update/dress up fliers and brochures and Laura Hallihan volunteered. Don West, KRSD suggested some students could also work on this project.

Nik Coates advised he will have Scott Lane, DARE Officer forward some information to the Bradford Police Dept. Jim Vailiquet, Chief advised he could give it to Ed Shaughnessy, Bradford’s DARE Officer to look at.


Incentives such as shoe laces, zipper pulls etc are some mentioned and Nik will forward more information regarding this.

May 20, 2011 is the National Bike/Walk to Work date and it was suggested that some sort of celebration would be in order. Dawn Rich mentioned the map on the School Wall which was the First Walking Map done in 1988. Walk to School Days could be set up where the busses drop off students and volunteers, police, parents will walk to school with the students. This could be a good follow-up after the May 20, 2011 event.

Dave Toppin, a Certified Instructor for Biking and Bike Safety could be contacted for a Bike/Walking Safety Course with the Bradford Police Dept. for a spring activity. Also Bill Herlihy, Out Spokin would be asked if he could do inspections.


Bradford Police Department community awareness. Chief Valiquet addressed Old Warner Road as being an area of concern. School In Session Signs would be helpful as well as School Zone signs with hours posted on them.

Next meeting scheduled for: Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 3:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley,