Select Board Minutes 07.28.14

Town of Bradford

Selectmen’s Minutes

July 28, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

John Pfeifle, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley Secretary present.

No Appearances scheduled for this meeting.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised the Ambulance has been sold. Henniker Rescue is purchasing the Power Stretcher for $6,000.00. and the First Responder vehicle has been ordered and Cheryl Behr advised a Purchase Order will be forthcoming.

John Pfeifle, Chair:

John Pfeifle, Chair advised there was a rather heated conversation at the last Selectmen’s meeting from some of the Rescue Squad members and as Chair stated this will not be tolerated by this board.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to accept Laurie Brown’s resignation as member of the Bradford Rescue Squad as she stated upon leaving last weeks meeting.

Comments questioned if a letter should be forthcoming as the comments made last week were in a moment of frustration.

There was no second to the motion, no vote.

Other concerns that were discussed were:

The bus parked on Route 114, will have a follow up letter written requesting update.

The Route 114 vehicles parked on the roadside will also have a letter written stating DOT will become notified about this infraction.

NFI – Waiting for a letter from Police Chief for Attorney to follow-up. John Pfeifle, Chair advised they have been requested to attend a Selectmen’s Meeting. The Town Attorney will also be requested to be present at that meeting as well.

Moving of old Post Office building for the Historical Society will be detained for one week.

Thank you to the Road Crew was said as well as to the Transfer Station for the tractor repair.

Also, a Thank You to Lois Kilnapp for the planting of flowers was stated.

The Highway Department is also working on the Computer Program for the roads in town.

Travel Plans for Road Repairs:

The Selectmen were given a report on all the roads in town for Travel Plans for road repairs.

Clarify structure of the Fast Squad:

Cheryl Behr advised the Fast Squad is under an Umbrella Policy for Workers Compensation coverage.

Request from Transfer Station to Clarify rules regarding Transfer Station/French’s Park stickers:

Cheryl Behr was instructed to draft a list of rules for clarity for the Transfer Station/French’s Park stickers.

Estimates for Community Center work:

Cheryl Behr advised windows and trim estimate was $9,545.55.

Roof repair at double door estimated at $1,555.00.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the estimates for the above mentioned repairs. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

George Cilley questioned when the outside of the windows were going to be painted on the east front of the building. This too will be checked out with Hank Thomas.

Discussion on Vacation Buyouts:

Cheryl Behr read a memo advising employee vacation time will be used this year with no buy-out. John Pfeifle suggested making this a permanent policy. Cheryl Behr was asked to poll several of the surrounding towns as to their policy. Decision was to prepare a letter to the employees for the next Selectmen’s Meeting for signatures.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris for all Town Employees to take their vacations this year with no buy-outs. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion ensued regarding NH Solar Garden. There has been no literature received at this time, however there will be a representative coming to Bradford for a proposal and John Pfeifle, Chair would like to walk the transfer station with him if he is available.

Cheryl Behr will meet with the Sub-Committee of the Revitalization Committee: Jim Bibbo, Claire James and Chris Way regarding working on the Sidewalk project on Thursday, July 31, 2014 at 5:30 pm.

Cheryl Behr advised the Budget Committee has received updated numbers for their upcoming meeting on Wednesday, July 30th.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of July 21, 2014 Minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the July 21, 2014 minutes as presented. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

There being no other business to come before the Selectmen, meeting adjourned 6:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
