Selectboard Minutes 03.07.16

Board of Selectmen Meeting

March 7, 2016


Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman


  1. Chris Mock inquired about activity in the Town sandpit and specifically if there was a reclamation plan in place. Chris offered his equipment and services to assist with this project. The Selectmen accepted his offer.

Regular Business

  1. The Town received a letter from Verne R. Clow and Frances E Clow regarding operations occurring on Lot 3-89. The letter informed the board that there have been a few truckloads of logs delivered to the location. They requested the board send a “cease and desist’ letter to the owners of the property asking that they stop processing the logs until the proper approvals are in place. The Selectmen said that they would send the Code Enforcement Officer, to talk to the owners of Lot 3-89 and request they stop operations until the correct permits have been obtained.
  2. The board reviewed Cheryl’s retirement letter and Thank you letter to the board.
  3. Board members signed the letter to withdraw TAN funds
  4. Board members signed the Intent to Cut Map 11 Lot 61
  5. Board members signed Current Use Application
  6. Board members did not sign Property Tax Exemption, they need additional information and will readdress at next week’s meeting
  7. Board members signed the Abatement Recommendation
  8. Prepare for Town Meeting: Went through all the articles and selected what ones would benefit from having a slide during the meeting. The board requested that there be a slide for Legal, Town Hall and the Pumper Truck.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of February 29, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no changes. Voted 3-0.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, March 14, 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 5:54pm to Non Public per RSA 91-A:3IIc

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins-Small