Selectmen’s meeting 02.08.16

Board of Selectmen Meeting

February 8, 2016


Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman


  1. Harry Wright provided an update for the Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee. They do not have an amount for the bond request but will have one at the time of the budget committee hearing. The Selectmen decided that they will go and visit a business in Henniker regarding a donation of concrete.

Regular Business

  1. Selectmen signed the call to vote form for Town Clerk/Tax Collector
  2. Selectmen signed appointment of Jennifer Richardson to Budget Committee
  3. Discussed agreement for Professional Service on Bement Bridge.
  4. Selectmen signed authorization for Bank
  5. Selectmen did not amendment to Breezy Hill Road contract, contract amendment will be reviewed further
  6. There was a request to negotiate the lease from KAP(Kearsarge Area Preschool) and the board agreed to negotiate the lease and would like to have the original rate reinstated
  7. Police cruiser request update: there are currently 3 police cruisers but 1 is no longer in good condition so police have requested an SUV as a replacement vehicle with a purchase/lease. Motion to approve 3-0
  8. Review of Town Hall Warrant bond article
    1. Article Three budget numbers not identified yet
    2. Article Four, Fire Pumper, Motion to recommend passed 3-0
    3. Article Five Reviewed previously by Selectmen and needed no vote
    4. Article Six (to raise and appropriate the sum of $95,000.00 to be placed in the town Hall Repair and Restoration Trust Fund.) Motion to not recommend, passed 2-1
    5. Article Seven (to raise and appropriate $30,000.00 to relocate the town offices into the Old Town Hall and to withdraw $30,000.00 from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve for this purpose.) Motion to recommend, passed 2-1
    6. Article Eight Previously reviewed by Selectmen, no vote needed
    7. Article Nine Previously reviewed by Selectmen, no vote needed
    8. Article Ten (to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,700.00 to be applied to the purchase of the new Fire Pumper.) Motion to recommend, passed 3-0
    9. Article Eleven (to discontinue the Highway Heavy Equipment capital reserve created in 1960.) Motion to recommend, passed 3-0
    10. Article Twelve Previously reviewed by Selectmen, no vote needed
    11. Article Thirteen Previously reviewed by Selectmen, no vote needed
    12. Article Fourteen Previously reviewed by Selectmen, no vote needed
    13. Article Fifteen (to raise and appropriate $115,000.00 for work on asphalt roads) Motion to recommend, passed 3-0
    14. Article Sixteen additional road work not yet drafted
    15. Remaining articles previously discussed and voted.
    16. Selectmen reviewed several enforcement request forms and Karen Hambleton will draft.


Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of January 25, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no change. Voted 3-0.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, February 8, 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm to Non Public per RSA 91:A3IIa personnel.


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins-Small