Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes 07.14.14

Selectmen’s minutes July 14, 2014


Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call – John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman; Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer; Cheryl Behr, Town Administrator.  Marge Cilley, secretary away on vacation.



1.      Rescue Squad – The Board of Selectmen signed the Henniker/Bradford Rescue Services contract on July 8th.  Funding for the first six months of the contract will be withdrawn from the Rescue Squad operating budget.  Mark Goldberg provided information regarding the possible sale of the ambulance and power stretcher, as well as the cost of purchasing and outfitting a first responder vehicle.  The current rescue squad would reorganize as a FAST squad but would not be authorized to transport.  They would respond to the scene and prepare the patient for transport by the Henniker Squad.  The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to approve a motion to authorize Mark Goldberg, fire chief, to investigate and present all financial dispositions to the Board of Selectmen for final vote.  Discussion on the funding of the FAST vehicle and status of available capital reserve and billing monies will continue as the process continues.  Laurie Brown offered information on an anticipated annual budget for the new fast squad.  She anticipated $27,000 per year to cover staffing, training, repairs and supplies.  She reported that the squad had lost two members but they were hoping to attract new members with the forming of the FAST squad.


2.      Marcia Keller discussed the placing of an advertisement for a new Planning Board secretary to replace the retiring Marge Cilley.  John Pfeifle asked if the position would also cover the secretary for the Budget Committee and Selectmen.  Cheryl Behr will handle the selectmen’s minutes until the first of the year to try to relieve budget shortfalls.  Marcia stated the Zoning and Planning Boards intend to share a secretary.  The budget committee will need to discuss a replacement at their next meeting.  John Pfeifle stated he would eventually like the secretarial position to handle all the departments needing this service.


3.      Karen Hambleton made a donation to the Town Hall Restoration Trust fund on behalf of the Town Hall Restoration Committee.  While the selectmen accepted the donation, Karen will deliver the $600 in cash to Dawn Pettiglio, Trustee of the Trust funds for deposit into the Restoration Trust.


4.      Marcia Keller requested the new RFP to be issued for the Town Hall Roof be forwarded on to the BradfordBridge for publication.  The first solicitation yielded only one bid.  The Board did not open or consider this bid but rather decided to re advertise to a wider group.  The RFP will be issued later in the week.


Regular Business

1.      The signing of a Junk yard permit for Martyn Chivers was confirmed

2.      Intent to cut for Map 3 Lot 14 (George) was signed by Selectmen

3.      Property Liability Forms signed.

4.      Report on meeting with DOT engineer regarding the repairs on BreezyHillRoadBridge.  A letter will be sent to the Dept of Transportation’s Nancy Mayville, to explain the town’s plan to repair the bridge and the timeline anticipated.  John Pfeifle stated the work would begin in July and take two and one half weeks.  The repaired bridge will be two feet narrower, will include a pedestrian walkway and have stop signs at both ends of the bridge.  The selectmen unanimously voted to approve the motion to begin the repair of the PondBrookBridge (on Breezy Hill Road) as soon as possible by replacing the two outside Ibeams. This repair has the approval of state engineer Liakos and is not to exceed $8000.00.

5.      Request from Historic District for poison ivy control at the BradfordCenter site.  The selectmen will discuss the work with Barry Wheeler, Road Agent.

6.      Personnel action form signed for Henry Thomas.

7.      Forest land reimbursement form was signed by the Board of Selectmen.

8.      Guest passes for French’s Park – Selectmen asked how frequently this issue occurred.  Cheryl replied a couple of times a year and a letter was provided to the taxpayer from the office allowing use of the park.  Selectmen agreed to leave the current method in place rather than create another procedure.

9.      Price for window repair at the Community Center was discussed and action is awaiting the formal quote for the work.  A quote is also coming for the repair of the concrete pad by the back door.  In the winter, the pad heaves and causes problems with the automatic handicapped door.  The money for these repairs was voted in a warrant article approved at the March town meeting.

10.  Mark Goldberg reported that a meeting with the State of NH DRED and our State Rep will take place regarding the land behind the fire station.  The town would like to acquire a small strip of land to expand the current fire station.

11.  Letter received from Marge Cilley, George Cilley, Marcia Keller and Dick Keller in opposition to moving the bulletin board from in front of the Town Hall to some other public location.  As charter members of the group that sponsored the original installation, the voiced their objection to the move.

12.  Selectmen signed a veterans exemption.


Pending issues:

1.      Transfer Station Contract – being developed by the town attorney.

2.      Autocraft – John Pfeifle stated the Building Inspector has been in contact with the owner.  A request for detail list of violations was made by the owner.  Materials will be forwarded to the town’s attorney.  He will prepare a letter on the town’s behalf.


Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed by Selectmen

Minutes will be reviewed at next meeting.


Vote to move to a non public session per RSA 91-A:3IIa – personnel.  Vote Pfeifle, yes; Harris. yes; Wright, yes  Time out 6:50pm


Return from non public session at 7:10pm.  Public session adjourned.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm