Selectmen’s Minutes 06.05.17

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2017

Sutton Meeting:

Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm in Sutton

In attendance: Sutton Board of Selectmen, Robert Wright (Chair), Walter Baker, William Curless, Elly Phillips (Sutton Town Administrator), Bradford Board of Selectmen, John Pfeifle (Chair), Sonny Harris, Jim Bibbo and Karen Hambleton (Bradford Town Administrator).

The two Boards met to discuss areas in which they could join efforts and realize a savings for the two towns. Several different ideas were discussed as was the need to show success in one area before expanding into larger areas/departments. After much discussion, the areas to be explored are: heating oil, cemetery mowing and maintenance, Town landscaping, combining recycling efforts and coordination between Road Agents on projects. There was an emphasis on starting slow and building trust between the two communities. Karen and Elly will work closely to begin the process. June 20th, 2017 the Bradford Selectmen will meet with the Warner Selectmen. One or two of the Sutton Selectmen may join this meeting as well.

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were also in attendance


  1. Tom Dunne: Mike Grill, an appraiser, appeared with Tom and stated that Tom has been improperly taxed for the past 15 years. He claimed Tom’s property should be assessed a two family property instead of 2 single family homes on the same map and lot. Tom is interested in subdividing the property but wants to have the assessment reviewed first. Karen will reach out to the Town’s assessor.
  2. Town Hall: The Fire Marshal, responding to a complaint, met with the Town Hall Restoration chairmen, the Selectmen and others. He informed the group that before the rest of the foundation can be poured and any further progress on the renovation can take place, the plans must be completed and stamped by an architect, including electrical, plumbing, mechanical, civil, and structural.

Regular Business:

  1. Autocraft update: A new court date has been set for June 28th. The Town also received notice that the property will be publicly auctioned on July 21st. The Town’s attorney is working to get the court case wrapped up before the auction.
  2. Fireworks Fundraising: The Selectmen would like to set up a subcommittee to raise the additional $5,000.00 for fireworks this year. They would like to hear from members of the public interested in assisting in this effort.
  3. Loader Financing: The amendment passed at Town meeting was disallowed by the Department of Revenue. Karen has asked the folks at John Deere for other financing options but has not heard back. She will have an update at the next meeting.
  4. Flags in Town: Currently the flags at Town Hall need to be replaced. Karen suggested replacing the POW/MIA flag with a State of NH flag; the Board agreed.
  5. The Board signed the Assessing Contract
  6. The Board accepted the donation for the Bradford Scholarship Fund
  7. The Board accepted the donation for Bradford Independence Day Fund
  8. The Board signed transfer funds Request for Town Hall
  9. The Board signed Parade Permit
  10. The Board signed the request for Armed Services Participation
  11. The Board signed Intent to Excavate- Map 6/Lot 106
  12. The Board signed intent to Cut Map 4/Lot 4, Map 5/Lot 2, Map 5/Lot 48
  13. Board signed Intent to Cut Map 4/Lot 5, Map 4/Lot 32

Other Business:

  1. The construction fence at the Town Hall will be moved so that Porta Potties can be placed in the parking lot for the 4th of July celebration.
  2. The Kearsarge Area Preschool will close its doors permanently on June 30th. The Board would like to see new children’s programming in this space. Parties interested in this space should contact Karen.
  3. As of June 30th NFI will no longer operate as a short term shelter. Karen will share additional information as she gets it.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of June 19, 2017 meeting were reviewed and accepted with no change.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, May 22, 2017 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm to a Non-Public Sessions per RSA 91-A:3IIc

Meeting resumed public session at 7:29 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins/Karen Hambleton