Selectmen’s Minutes 01.22.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:28 pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Jared Reynolds – Cooperative Extension (community development): Jared introduced himself as the new field specialist for Cooperative Extension. He assists towns with economic planning and visualization; setting up economic development committees. The Board of Selectmen welcomed his help in re-establishing an Economic Development Committee in Bradford and would like the public to know they are looking for folks to serve.
  2. Claire James – Town Office Safety: Claire requested the Board’s opinion on obtaining a quote for making the Town Offices in the BACC more secure. The Board suggested that she wait to see the results at Town Meeting. Chief Jim Valiquet discussed safety highlighting the need to provide Time, Distance and Cover from an individual intending to do harm. He indicated that the better space to house the Town Offices in the BACC would be the Learning Room. In the end, the Board agreed that Claire could seek pricing.
  3. Paul Craig – Craig Road: Paul discussed his family’s use of the property on Craig Road and their need to access the property in the winter. The Board and Road Agent relayed their concerns regarding safety for the Town employees who plow Craig Road. It was agreed the Town would continue to plow Craig Road. It was also agreed that the Road Agent would look for a private plow operator who might be better equipped to plow it.

Regular Business:

  1. Gate at the Dump: There was discussion about a minor accident at the Transfer Station over the weekend. The gate appears to have been left unsecured and swung into the side of a resident’s car. The Select Board voted 3-0 to have the Transfer Station staff lock the gate both when it’s open and when it is closed. The Board also emphasized that the only individuals who should be authorized to be on the Transfer Station premises during off hours are Town Employees.
  2. 18 Massasecum Ave follow-up: Karen shared photos Chief Valiquet had taken of the property in the past month or so showing that the situation there has not improved following the Town’s letter requesting they clean up the property. The Board would like to take stronger action. Karen will check Bradford’s ordinance and work with the attorney to see who has the authority to impose fines for junky yards.
  3. Finalize Budget: The Road Agent requested that his request for $505,000 operating funds be granted. The Budget Committee had recommended him at $497,000 expecting that he would be requesting a $15,000 warrant article to purchase a calcium chloride spreader (to control dust on roads). Barry explained that he had reallocated $9000 from other parts of his budget to make that purchase. Instead, he plans to ask the Select Board to purchase the equipment from the Highway Expendable Trust, thus removing the need for a $15,000 warrant article to do so. He also wanted it reflected in the minutes that he had not been asked to attend a Budget Committee meeting until the very last minute. The remainder of the Budget discussion was tabled until next week.
  4. Trumbull-Nelson Contract: A revised contract has been received from the attorney. The Board asked that it be forwarded to Trumbull-Nelson as is.
  5. The Fireworks contract for 2018 was signed.
  6. An abatement request for Map 5/Lot 54 was signed. This property was deeded and recently repurchased by the previous owner. The amount abated (first half 2017 tax bill) was paid in the repurchase price.
  7. The CAP agreement for Property & Liability Insurance was signed. The last time Bradford went out to bid for insurance was in 2016. It was suggested that the Town bid insurance again in a couple years.
  8. The Treasurer’s request to transfer funds into the Town Hall account was signed.
  9. An update on 166 East Main Street (Map 17/Lot 14) was requested. Some of the issues have been resolved and the Town’s Code Enforcement and Health Officers are no longer involved. The remaining issues are tenant/landlord issues and do not involve the Town.

The Payable and Payroll Manifests were signed.

Minutes of January 8th meeting were reviewed and accepted without changes.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday January 29, 2018 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3IIc at 7:05.

Meeting adjourned to public session at 7:35.

Meeting adjourned at 7:36.

Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton