Selectmen’s Minutes 02.12.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman (arrived at 5:31); Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Tall Pines – Bement Bridge: Laura Hallahan on behalf of her mother, Ann, and Tall Pines Realty expressed their support for the Bement Bridge Project. Laura stated that they wanted to cooperate fully as the Town goes through the process and hoped that the Town would be a resource for information about the project. She expressed concern as their business will likely be impacted with the construction, but is confident that any issues can be resolved easily. The Board acknowledged her concerns and is looking forward to working with Tall Pines to make this bridge rehabilitation a successful project.

Regular Business:

  1. Correction to the January 29th minutes: Karen noted that in the January 29th minutes, it was stated that NFI had offered to help do road clean up on Route 114. In fact, it should have been recorded as Route 103.
  2. Update on Fire Department Warrant: Both the Select Board and the Budget Committee support the use of the Fire Department Repair Capital Reserve to fund the Fire Dept’s alarm system replacement on this year’s warrant. It was noted that the furnace would pull $20,000 out of the fund and that currently the Board is planning to add $5000 to the reserve fund. The Board reversed their earlier vote to add $5000 to the fund. Mark Goldberg, Chief, wanted to make it clear that this money had in the past been unofficially slated to replace the Fire Dept furnace if/when it fails. He noted that if the Fire Dept Repair Capital Reserve is used for the alarm system, there will not be enough left in the reserve to address the furnace. He stated that should the furnace fail before the funds could be replenished, he would look to the Select Board to fund the replacement from an alternate source.
  3. Budget and Bond: The Board reviewed the differences between their suggested budget and that of the Budget Committee. In the operating budget, the Select Board recommends that $15,000 be used from Cemetery Trust funds to help offset Cemetery operating expense. The Budget Committee recommends that $5000 be used from the trust funds. Additionally, the Select Board suggests that the Highway line remain level at $505,000; the Budget Committee has recommended this line be funded at $497,000.It was noted that over all, both proposed operating budgets were about $100,000 less than last year. With regard to the Capital Projects, the Budget Committee has opted to follow the Year 1 recommendations in the CIP. The Select Board did not opt to follow that and instead supports the continued work on Town Hall, a warrant for $120,000 to continue working on the roads and several smaller projects. Completing the first floor of the Town Hall now avoids the increased costs resulting from inflation later, addresses office safety and legal issues. It was noted that to stay in the BACC and make the offices safe could cost between $75,000 and $100,000. The Board re-voted the loader article at the correct amount ($33,000).
  4. Petitioned Warrant Article: The Board reviewed the petitioned warrant article. Karen noted that that enough of the signatures submitted were those of registered voters and the article would be put on the warrant.
  5. Letter from Jane Lucas: Jane indicated in a formal letter to the Select Board that she does not have any interest in chairing the Cemetery Commission.
  6. The Board accepted 4 donations to the Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund made in memory of Elinor Harris.
  7. Meeting Next Week: The Board agreed to meet next week.
  8. Karen noted the Town had received a letter from Attorney Bernie Waugh indicating he is “transitioning” into retirement.

At 6:00, the meeting adjourned to the Public Hearing for the Town Hall Bond.

At 6:50, the regular meeting resumed.

The Payable and Payroll Manifests were signed.

Minutes of February 5th meeting were reviewed and accepted without changes.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday February 19, 2018 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55.

Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton