Selectmen’s Minutes 05.09.16

Board of Selectmen Meeting

May 9, 2016 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 5:17pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman

Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator were in attendance.

The Chair made a motion to enter non-public session per RSA 91-A:3,II(c). Jim seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Public session reconvened at 5:31.

Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer joined the meeting.

Pledge of Allegiance


There were no appearances at this meeting

Regular Business

  1. Move to Town Hall update: Progress continues to be made; still waiting for ramp and it should be ready in about 10 days. The Board is asking for donations of: refrigerator, kitchen sink, kitchen utensils, and also an outdoor table with chairs and a few lawn chairs.
  2. Update on Zoning Violation Complaint: In follow up to the Zoning Compliant received last week, the Code Enforcement officer visited the property. From what he could see without stepping past the “No Trespassing” signs, there were in fact violations on the property. Karen will write a letter to the property owner.
  3. Update on Police Department complaint: The Sheriff’s department held an investigation and found there were no violations. The investigation is closed. Neither party is pursuing further action.
  4. Response from Neil Manning: A letter from Mr. Manning indicated he is proceeding with his plans at 4 Sunset Lane.
  5. Traffic Count Request: The State has inquired as to the Town’s interest in participating in a traffic count. The Board requested counts on Center Rd, West Rd and Fairgrounds Rd. Discussion regarding the intersection of Center Rd and Jones Rd took place. There are various ideas as to whether or not, and how, the intersection should be marked with a yield sign. The Board will ask the Police Department to look further into this.
  6. Update on Drainage System engineer: Karen talked with a second engineer, Bob Stewart, and suggests that we use his services. Permit fees will be in the $800 range.
  7. Cash Flow Update: Current balance is approximately $62,000. The Office is managing cash flow and payments. It is hoped that tax bills will go out this week.
  8. Budget Committee meeting update: John Pfeifle expressed that he is very pleased with the current Budget Committee; he feels they are an energetic group and very productive. There was some discussion about how best to track heating fuel. Karen will track each department/building separately. She will also create a worksheet showing remaining balances in Warrant Article funds.
  9. Appoint CIP representative: Motion to appoint Jim Bibbo as Selectman’s representative to the CIP committee. Vote was unanimous.
  10. The Board accepted a $175 donation for the Independence Day Trust Fund
  11. The Board signed the Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector appointment
  12. The Board signed an Intent to Cut-Map4/Lot36 Old Mountain Rd.
  13. The Board signed Personnel forms for the 2015 audit

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of May 2, 2016 meeting were reviewed and accepted with one change. The Minutes from the April 25th meeting were approved by a vote of 2-0, not 3-0. Minutes with the change were approved 3-0.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, May 16, 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 6:07

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins