Selectmen’s Minutes 09.18.17

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2017

Meeting called to order at 4:53 PM

Non-Public Session – per RSA 91-A:3IIc

Public Session resumed at 5:20 PM

After a short break, the Public Hearing began at 5:30.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator were in attendance

Public Hearing: Additional Highway Block funds

The Chair indicated the Town had received additional Highway Block funding in the amount of $76,730.84 as a result of Senate Bill 38. He noted that the Town had raised $50,000 this year toward its portion of the additional work to be done on Bement Bridge and suggested that the Highway Block funding might be used for the balance of the Town’s portion. The balance was planned to be raised in a warrant article in 2018. The question was asked as to whether or not dirt roads would receive any funding. The Board voted to accept the funds, but chose not to designate them at this time.


Town Hall Update – The Chair recapped results of the non-public session. After sourcing three other general contractors, all having appropriate experience with historic and municipal buildings, the Select Board voted to engage Trumbull-Nelson as general contractor for the Town Hall project. Trumbull-Nelson’s first priority will be to get the building down onto its foundation, safely supported and buttoned up for winter. Following that, TN will provide the Select Board with an outline of the next steps and the associated costs. The Select Board was also given a list of List of Uses recommended by the Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee at their August 7th meeting to use as a guide in the design of the building.

Katie Nelson – Central Regional Planning – Master Plan – Katie presented a contract to work with the Town on updating its Master Plan. The last time our master plan was updated was in 1996. Parts of an updated plan have already been completed. It was noted that having a Master Plan assists the Town in obtaining grants. It was unclear whether or not the $5000 expense had been budgeted for 2017. (Editor’s note: Following the close of the meeting, it was determined that there had indeed been an article on the 2017 warrant in the amount of $5000 for work on the Master Plan and it had passed at Town Meeting.)

Regular Business:

Repurchase of Deeded Property – Karen informed the Board that the property at Map 5/Lot 54, which the Town had taken by tax deed in 2016, has been repurchased by the previous owners. The owners paid all the back taxes, interests, penalties and fees. A letter was enclosed with their $10, 254.95 repayment check requesting that the Selectmen consider returning $3,731.34 which had been assessed in penalties. The Board reviewed the letter and declined the request.

Freyler’s Driving School – The Board signed the lease with Freyler’s Driving School.

Autocraft Update- The update from the attorney was not received in time for the meeting. Tabled until next week.

Cell Tower Update- Sue McKevitt has sent two letters, made multiple calls and still not been able to reach someone who can discuss our lack of cell service with her. She will continue to work on this.

Shooting Range Ordinance- Jim presented an updated version of his proposed Shooting Range Ordinance to include “Small game shooting ranges will be allowed if they meet all laws, regulations, and rules as set forth by the State Legislature and enforced through the State Fish and Game Department who shall also monitor such operation.” The Select Board voted 3-0 in favor of the proposed ordinance and asked that it be forwarded it to the Planning Board.

The Board signed the MOU with FEMA in the event a town employee would like to assist with the hurricane relief efforts.

The Payroll and Payables warrants were signed.

Minutes of the September 11th meeting were reviewed and accepted.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, September 25, 2017 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 6:14 PM.

Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton