Selectmen’s minutes 10.27.14

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call           John Pfeifle, Chairman

Harry Wright, Selectmen

Sonny Harris, Selectmen

Selectmen Pfeifle and Wright met in non public session per RSA 91-A:3II (i) with a vote of Pfeifle, yes; Wright, yes. The Board met with representatives from NFI at 4:00pm. Discussion on steps being taken to improve security and improve the facilities’ local reputation within the community. The selectmen expressed interest in regular updates from the organization. Meeting closed at 5:10 pm with the following vote: Pfeifle, yes; Wright, yes

Regular meeting called to order at 5:30 pm


  1. Town Hall Designation: Harry Wright displayed a certificate and reported the Bradford Town Hall had been named as one of NH Preservation Alliance’s “7 to Save”. This designation is awarded to properties of historic value in danger of being lost to disrepair and helps to focus the community’s attention on preserving its valuable landmarks. This acknowledgement will help the community in its application for grant funding and its fund raising efforts.
  2. Other Town Hall matters: Discussion continued with progress on the Town Hall and possible next steps. It was suggested that the next item to be addressed might be to remove all hazardous materials from the building in preparation of rebuilding. There were comments that the THRC had been advised against the removal at this stage. No decision made.
  3. Bruss Property – John Pfeifle discussed the possibility of the town leasing/purchasing the Bruss property on 114 East Main Street for use as town offices and police station while the Town Hall is being renovated. He feels the cost of renting the police station offsets the cost of the purchase and would improve the office and storage conditions. Discussion on costs and suitability of the building for town use was discussed. Several in the audience expressed concern that this alternative would defeat the efforts to rehab the Town Hall. Cost to move was questioned. Mr. Pfeifle felt he would like to investigate the matter further. Harry Wright stated that he had no objection to Mr. Pfeifle investigating as an individual, but not as a representative of the Board of Selectmen. Sonny Harris expressed his concern for the town’s records, employees and the deed restrictions of the Community Center. He pointed out that renovation of the town hall will take 2-3 years leaving these issues at risk. All three selectmen strongly support continued renovation work on the town hall. It was suggested that the selectmen hold an informational meeting on the topic once more information was available. No decision made.
  4. Ice Rink: The Parks and Recreation department presented a proposal to the Board to construct an outdoor skating rink on Brown Shattuck Field. Chief Valiquet presented the plan and has visited the Warner facility. The rink would have 4” side walls, measure 60’x120’ and cost $5500-$6000. The Parks and Recreation revolving fund has the funds to build the facility and asked the Board for their support. The Selectmen unanimously agreed.
  5. Revaluation Contract: The Board of Selectmen met with Jeff Earls of Cross Country Assessing and reviewed his proposal to conduct the 2015 statistical revaluation. After discussion, the Board voted unanimously to award the contract to Cross Country Assessing.

Regular Business

  1. Zoning violation resolved: The bus on Rte 114 has been moved to another location as requested by the Board of Selectmen. The Board would like to thank Mr. Kenyon for his cooperation.
  2. Selectmen attendance at Elections: Selectmen will stop in the office to sign designee letters to insure coverage during the election on Tuesday, November 4th.
  3. Budget matters: Budget worksheets have been returned by the Library, Conservation and Financial (town clerk/tax collector). John Pfeifle discussed a change in the state law that will now allow towns to establish a ‘rainy day fund’ to cover unforeseen emergencies (such as this year’s rain event) rather than need to petition DRA for emergency expenditures.   He will bring this option to the Budget Committee at their next meeting.
  4. Tax rate:   The rate has not yet been set but the office has been in touch with the Department of Revenue for preliminary review.
  5. Timber Tax Warrant: The selectmen signed a timber tax warrant for $5088.26.
  6. Insurance Rates: Employee benefit rates were received. The rate increase was .02%.
  7. Payroll and payable manifests: Manifests were reviewed and signed by the selectmen.