Selectmen’s Minutes 10.06.14 -updated 10.09.14

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes



Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call          John Pfeifle, Chairman

Harry Wright, Selectmen

Sonny Harris, Selectmen


Meeting opened at 5:30 pm

Updated 10.09.14



  1. Town Hall work: Kelly Gale, clerk of the works/architect of the town hall project, met with the Board of Selectmen regarding progress and problems on the vault demo work at the town hall. Gale recommended a detail survey be done to establish the location and magnitude of all the hazardous materials and issues at the town hall.  Selectmen authorized an RFP for this purpose.  Cheryl requested a meeting with the building committee and the architect to develop a procedure for payment and approvals.  The Building sub committee will be meeting on 10.7.14 and this can be added to the agenda.  The matter of saving the bricks to be used as a walkway/fund raiser was discussed.  The condition and type of bricks may not be suitable for use in this matter.  Many bricks were destroyed in the vault removal.  The broken bricks will be removed and disposed of.  Minor structural issues with the foundation of the vault were resolved.  Testing for asbestos on the back roof will be done this week.
  2. Joe Torro met with selectmen to inform the Board of his purchase of the former Candlelight Inn. The property will be called the Bradford Village Inn.  Torro outlined the improvements he will be making to upgrade the property to current codes.  He has met with the state fire marshal and the building inspector.  His anticipated opening date is December 5th, 2014.  He asked if there were any other regulations he needed to address.  Zoning  regulations allow a business to reopen if substantially the same as the former business for up to two years.
  3. Library Roof Repair – The Library Trustees requested an emergency expenditure to replace the Library roof. The condition has deteriorated and it is uncertain if it will make the winter.  The Trustees reviewed bids and presented a recommendation to award the contract to Sunapee Builders.  Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the bid and work to begin in October.
  4. Dave Pickman questioned the selectmen on last week’s decision to place a warrant article on the warrant to change the “Class v no winter maintenance” classification of the end of Forest Street and open it to year round Class V. This would require the town to plow and upgrade the road to meet town specifications.  The Board confirmed its decision  and explained that the town receives highway block grant money to maintain all Class V roads regardless of their winter closing by the town.  As the property on this portion of the road is now being developed the town may have an obligation to do so.
  5. Bill Hallahan asked for an update of the Wilcox matter and a copy of the letter sent by the town’s attorney. Cheryl will forward the letter to Mr. Hallahan.


Regular Business:

  1. Solar Arrays – Selectmen were updated on the search for more information on solar arrays. Surrounding towns were contacted and some info has been received.  Investigation will continue.
  2. “Call to Vote” signed for the November election
  3. Welfare budget – Selectmen were made aware of the possible need of additional monies for welfare purposes.
  4. Independence Day – The Town is looking for a group to come together to run the July 4th The fireworks have been reserved for that date – Many more towns will be having their celebrations then as the date falls on a Saturday.  Plans will need to be made now to reserve vendors etc.  Interested parties should contact the Selectmen’s Office.
  5. The Kenyon’s bus situation should be resolved with the Board extending the removal date to Nov 15th. The bus mover has been contacted and confirmed the move.
  6. Selectmen voted to move to non public session per RSA 91-A:3IId at 6:50pm/ Vote was Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes.


Selectmen returned from non public session at 7:10pm P.  no decision made.  Vote was Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes


Motion to adjourn public session – 7:15pm by unanimous vote

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes



Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call          John Pfeifle, Chairman

Harry Wright, Selectmen

Sonny Harris, Selectmen


Meeting opened at 5:30 pm

Updated 10.09.14



  1. Town Hall work: Kelly Gale, clerk of the works/architect of the town hall project, met with the Board of Selectmen regarding progress and problems on the vault demo work at the town hall. Gale recommended a detail survey be done to establish the location and magnitude of all the hazardous materials and issues at the town hall.  Selectmen authorized an RFP for this purpose.  Cheryl requested a meeting with the building committee and the architect to develop a procedure for payment and approvals.  The Building sub committee will be meeting on 10.7.14 and this can be added to the agenda.  The matter of saving the bricks to be used as a walkway/fund raiser was discussed.  The condition and type of bricks may not be suitable for use in this matter.  Many bricks were destroyed in the vault removal.  The broken bricks will be removed and disposed of.  Minor structural issues with the foundation of the vault were resolved.  Testing for asbestos on the back roof will be done this week.
  2. Joe Torro met with selectmen to inform the Board of his purchase of the former Candlelight Inn. The property will be called the Bradford Village Inn.  Torro outlined the improvements he will be making to upgrade the property to current codes.  He has met with the state fire marshal and the building inspector.  His anticipated opening date is December 5th, 2014.  He asked if there were any other regulations he needed to address.  Zoning  regulations allow a business to reopen if substantially the same as the former business for up to two years.
  3. Library Roof Repair – The Library Trustees requested an emergency expenditure to replace the Library roof. The condition has deteriorated and it is uncertain if it will make the winter.  The Trustees reviewed bids and presented a recommendation to award the contract to Sunapee Builders.  Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the bid and work to begin in October.
  4. Dave Pickman questioned the selectmen on last week’s decision to place a warrant article on the warrant to change the “Class v no winter maintenance” classification of the end of Forest Street and open it to year round Class V. This would require the town to plow and upgrade the road to meet town specifications.  The Board confirmed its decision  and explained that the town receives highway block grant money to maintain all Class V roads regardless of their winter closing by the town.  As the property on this portion of the road is now being developed the town may have an obligation to do so.
  5. Bill Hallahan asked for an update of the Wilcox matter and a copy of the letter sent by the town’s attorney. Cheryl will forward the letter to Mr. Hallahan.


Regular Business:

  1. Solar Arrays – Selectmen were updated on the search for more information on solar arrays. Surrounding towns were contacted and some info has been received.  Investigation will continue.
  2. “Call to Vote” signed for the November election
  3. Welfare budget – Selectmen were made aware of the possible need of additional monies for welfare purposes.
  4. Independence Day – The Town is looking for a group to come together to run the July 4th The fireworks have been reserved for that date – Many more towns will be having their celebrations then as the date falls on a Saturday.  Plans will need to be made now to reserve vendors etc.  Interested parties should contact the Selectmen’s Office.
  5. The Kenyon’s bus situation should be resolved with the Board extending the removal date to Nov 15th. The bus mover has been contacted and confirmed the move.
  6. Selectmen voted to move to non public session per RSA 91-A:3IId at 6:50pm/ Vote was Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes.


Selectmen returned from non public session at 7:10pm P.  no decision made.  Vote was Pfeifle, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes


Motion to adjourn public session – 7:15pm by unanimous vote