THRC Minutes 02.19.15

Bradford Town Hall Restoration Committee

Meeting, Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

Attending: Eileen Kelly, Sandy Wright, Audrey Sylvester, and Marcia Keller. Meeting began at 7:10 p.m.

Minutes of February 05, 2015. Minutes were approved.

Building Subcommittee.

Marcia Keller reported on decisions by the Building Subcommittee which met prior to the full Town Hall Restoration Committee. The Building Subcommittee’s motion was made by Dick Keller, seconded by Sandra Wright to recommend the Burrington Builders proposal to the full THRC. The proposal is $2,500 for Phase 1, $18,900 for Phase 2. Supplemental structural support (if needed after architect’s review) will be provided for $35/hour plus materials. The first $1,000 of supplemental structural support activity is included in the base bid.

The subcommittee also recommended that Phase 1 be completed as soon as practical to provide Kelly Gale the information to continue her architectural work. Also, knowledge of the structural situation will be valuable to answer potential questions to be raised at Town Meeting. Phase 2 is to start as soon as a contract is signed by Selectmen, but work will not begin until after Town Meeting, March 14, 2015. Motion passed 5 yes, 1 abstention (Eileen Kelly) who felt she did not have sufficient information regarding the possibility of removing a chimney.

Motions presented to the full Town Hall Restoration Committee were unanimously approved.

Notation for the minutes: Eileen Kelly recommends a consultation with Peter Michaud of the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources before demolition begins to answer questions regarding the front chimney, the granite foundation, and other issues.

Audrey Sylvester reported that Maggie Stier of the NH Preservation Alliance who met with Eileen Kelly and Audrey Sylvester in February stated that Peter Michaud of the NH Division of Historical Resources is designated to assist the Bradford Town Hall Committees with questions of historical preservation as part of the LCHIP grant. Sylvester recommended that the committees and the architect meet with Peter Michaud to ask for clarification on questions raised regarding historic preservation of the Phase II plan, among the potential questions: e.g. whether to remove a chimney; saving the granite siding and any other questions that may arise.

Final Warrant 2015 Article Three.

A copy of the final Warrant Article Three was presented. A few typographical errors must be made.

Warrant Article Three:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Nine Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Dollars ($955,000) (gross budget) to renovate the Bradford Town Hall at map 16 lot 92 including a full workable foundation and to authorize the issuance of not more the eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($850,000) of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA Chapter 33). Further to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes, to determine the rate of interest thereon, the term and other details. The balance of One Hundred Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000) will be raised from donations and grants (currently awarded $105,000 from LCHIP), with work proceeding as commitments are made.

Selectmen Recommend. Budget Committee recommends. (2/3 ballot vote required) (passage of this article will not impact the tax rate until 2016)

Preparation for Town Meeting.

Selectman Harry Wright said he would prepare a Power Point presentation for Town Meeting. He will present a “run thru” at the THRC’s March 5, 2015 meeting.

Presentations to Town Organizations: Marcia Keller and Audrey Sylvester.

Marcia and Audrey are organizing a schedule for presentations to town organizations and have created the “elevator speech.”

Kelly Gale will send Audrey the most current floor plan for town wide presentations and provide an 18” x 24” copy for the library.

*The Building Committee should be prepared to have figures for items eliminated from the budget of last year. The tax impact is an issue for the Selectmen, not the Town Hall Restoration Committee.


A first set of fundraising letters and pledge forms have been sent to present and past committee members. An additional mailing will be sent to those who supported the project in the past. Efforts to contact large donors are underway.

Anonymous Donations.

There was a brief discussion on a concern with the Town Hall Trust Fund on the meaning of anonymous for donors. This concern will be clarified at a later committee meeting. Marlene Freyler suggested hiring a fundraiser to handle fundraising. Eileen Kelly asked Marlene to provide the name of the person who conducted fundraising for the church for the committee’s reference.

To be noted: Fundraisers cannot take on a project on speculation or on a commission as a percentage of funds that are raised.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Unapproved minutes written by Audrey V. Sylvester