Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee Minutes 07.14.16

Minutes of Bradford Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee (THROC) Meeting, July 14, 2016 – unapproved

The meeting was held at the Bradford Area Community Center (BACC) and was called to order at 5:35pm by Harry Wright, chair.  Present were Marcia Keller, Will Kranz, Jim Bibbo, Jen Richardson, Rural Heritage Connection (RHC), sitting in for Michele Halsted.  Michele and Brackett Scheffy were absent.

Beth Downs was in attendance as a member of the RHC (non-voting for THROC).

  1. Minutes of the June 23 meeting were approved as presented.
  1. A motion was made by Jen Richardson, composed by Michele Halstead, from the RHC:

“Whereas Bradford Town Hall has been honored with a listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and has been identified by LCHIP and the NH Preservation Alliance as one of NH’s most important and endangered cultural and historic landmarks to save, the Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee hereby pledges by its actions, statements and intentions to strive to retain the LCHIP Grant and to honor the wishes of generous individual and business donors.  We hereby commit to honor grant-associated guidance and the stewardship commitments that Selectmen for the Town of Bradford have signed. The Committee deems this action to be in the best interests of the Town of Bradford, its taxpayers, the generous majority of voters who embrace this project, and 150-strong community of donors and volunteers.”

The motion was not seconded.  After discussion, it was decided to hold action on the motion until the next meeting when the author (Michele) can be in attendance to discuss.  Points made were that more time was needed to review the motion and that a simpler statement might be more appropriate.

  1. Scott Mckenney had been suggested as a possible General Contractor (GC).  He toured Town Hall with members of the THROC and the public on Monday, July 11.  He is reviewing his time availability and would like to meet with the THROC to discuss the project.  He was unavailable for this meeting, can meet with the THROC on Thursday, August 4.
  1. After discussion, the committee decided to call the GC a “Project Consultant” (PC) rather than GC for this phase of the project, where his/her role is primarily answering questions posed by the committee with regard to specific parts of the project.  The committee feels it is important for the PC to meet with Kelly Gale (architect) and THROC members as appropriate to become familiar with the project.
  1. A question was raised regarding funds available from the $30,000 warrant article (to move the offices back to Town Hall) to possibly pay for initial Architect/PC consultation. Funds available are unknown at this time (still much to be spent) and comments were made that this would be an inappropriate use of those funds.
  1. The first item currently on the THROC website is an ‘open letter to the community’ published shortly after Town Meeting. The committee voted unanimously that it does not belong there.  Karen Hambleton will delete it.
  1. A search of town hall restoration paperwork revealed a couple of items of interest to the committee. Early schematic drawings of the project (July 26, 2012) by Rick Monahon will be scanned and sent to the committee.  Also, a proposal by Geddes Building Movers from October, 2011 was thought to be for a foundation for the rear 1/3 of the building.  Further review (subsequent to the meeting) makes this unlikely.
  1. HHW created a ‘back to basics’ document on July 8 (under the title TH Mission Statement Review), intended as a ‘shopping list’ of items to create this year’s suggested project scope (copy appended to these minutes). The conversation devolved into a discussion of the specific points rather than compiling a project list.  HHW will create project list(s) to circulate among the committee (by e-mail) for editing and suggestion by the committee members.  The intent is to have a project scope (or two) to discuss and vote on at our next meeting

The next THROC meeting will be Thursday, August 4, at the BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm

Respectfully submitted,

Harry Wright


Addendum:  TH Mission Statement Review referenced in 8. Above:

Bradford Town Hall Restoration – 7/8/16 – HHW

Hi, Everyone –

We’ve had a myriad of good ideas on the project, as many as we have people involved.  (If we had more people we’d probably have more good ideas).  Candidly, I’ve had increasing difficulty coming to terms with a reasonable solution.

To restart my thinking, I went back to our mission statement:

The mission of the Town Hall Restoration Committee is to restore the Town Hall to a functional building for municipal services and community use. The best investment for the town is to modernize the building to provide for the town’s present needs, as cost effectively as possible, so that it can continue to serve Bradford for many years to come, consistent with its historical character.~ November 2011

Then I began by thinking: to fulfill this mission what do we have to do, as opposed to what would we like to do?  I began a list of ‘What’s really needed?’ in the context of the Mission Statement and another of ‘What’s nice to have?’

Those lists follow – I’d like to discuss the project in this context at our next meeting.  There are probably obvious things I’ve missed.  Please forward them to me over the next few days so I can include them in a more complete list.


So, what’s really needed?

Secure record storage (how much space required?

ADA access and accommodations

Space for elections

Adequate insulation, exterior walls, at least (+ attic?)

Exterior paint, after insulation

New septic system

New (hot water) heating system

Update electrical system (Rewire as appropriate)

Rebuild bathrooms

Replace/repair posts, SW corner


What’s ‘nice to have’?


Half basement/Full basement

Full sprinkler system

2nd floor functionality


2nd floor restoration