Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee Minutes 11.15.17

Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee Minutes 11/15/17

Meeting called to order by Brackett Scheffy, Moderator, at 5:30pm.   Committee members present were Harry Wright, Brackett Scheffy, Jason Allen, and Jim Bibbo.   Also in attendance was Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator.

The minutes of the November 1 meeting were approved.

A long discussion ensued regarding financing and the possibility of being short of funds to complete “Option 2” that the BOS had approved on 11/13.

  • The THROC will request that the RHC provide a breakdown of the ~$81,000 cash and in-kind donations currently in place.
  • Kickstarter and GoFundMe were discussed and rejected as possible fundraising options.
  • Karen will provide her analysis of the situation for review.

After discussion, the committee chose to reiterate its position made at the 11/1 meeting.  A motion was made as follows:  “The THROC recommends to the BOS that we lower the building, secure it for winter, collect costs, then make a decision on the next steps going forward.  Also, the THROC reaffirms the wisdom of the project going forward.”   Motion passed, 3 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain.

LCHIP update:  We had requested that LCHIP consider the Town Hall structural repairs as qualified for inclusion in the grant.  This will require a vote by the LCHIP Board of Directors at their next meeting in January, 2018.  Edited paperwork is being prepared for submittal.

George Born, LCHIP’s Historic Research Specialist and our primary contact is willing to visit a THROC meeting to bring everyone up to speed on the grant and it’s processing.  Harry will invite him to our next meeting.

Clerk of the Works update:  At the October 10 THROC meeting, a motion was passed as follows: “The THROC highly recommends to the BOS that a Clerk of the Works be employed when appropriate on the project.”

At the 11/15 meeting, the committee decided that it was time to engage the Clerk of the Works.   A motion was made as follows:  “The THROC moves that the BOS immediately select a qualified Clerk of the Works to ensure that invoices accurately reflect work done”.   Motion passed, 3 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain.

THROC role going forward:  Potential activities of the THROC were discussed, ranging from Fundraising, to LCHIP interface, to Public Relations, to ‘Oversight’, to disbanding.  A motion was made as follows to seek BOS input on the subject: “The THROC requests that the BOS consider possible activities for the THROC and the feasibility of the continuation of the THROC”.  Motion passed, 4 yes, 0 no.

Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 12/13/17, BACC, 5:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:54 pm.