Town Warrant and Town Meeting Minutes 03.09.10 & 03.10.10

Town of Bradford

State of New Hampshire

Town Warrant and Minutes of Town Meeting March 09, 2010

The Polls opened at 8:00 am to 7:00 pm on March 09, 2010. To the inhabitants of the Town ofBradfordin theCountyofMerrimackin said State qualified to vote in town affairs; You are hereby notified to meet at theBradfordElementary SchoolonOld Warner Roadin saidBradford,NHon Tuesday, the ninth of March next, at eight o’clock in the morning to act on the following articles:

Article One. To choose all necessary Town officials for the ensuing year.

Moderator Jonathan Steiner 402 Elected

Selectman Don Stumph 10

Barry Wheeler 195

Harold Wright 215 Elected

Charles F. Meany III 38

Supervisor of the Checklist Ruth Marden 423 Elected

Trustee of the Trust FundsEverettKittredge 421 Elected

Trustee of the Brown Memorial Library Nola Jordan 371 Elected

LorraineMacLeod 384 Elected

Scholarship Committee Write-In Nancy McEachern 7 Elected

Budget Committee George Cilley 232 Elected

Marlene Freyler 149

Donald A. Jackson 215 Elected

Jane M. Lucas 179

Budget Committee – One Year Elizabeth Rodd 362 Elected

Planning Board Marcia O. Keller 349 Elected

Write-In Delbert Harris III 33 Elected

Zoning Board William L. Glennie 337 Elected

Brooks McCandlish 361 Elected

Cemetery Commission Carey Rodd 411 Elected

Article Two. Zoning Ordinance – Shall the Town ofBradford adopt a “Sign Ordinance” under the authority of RSA 674. The ordinance establishes permitting procedures for signs. Included is a list of types of signs that are prohibited, a list of types of signs that are allowed without a permit, and general requirements for signage. If approved, this ordinance will replace section VI Signs, in the Zoning Ordinance. Article Carried

Article Three. Zoning Ordinance – Shall the Town ofBradford adopt a “Workforce Housing Ordinance” under the authority of RSA 674:21, and is intended as an “Inclusionary Zoning” provision as defined in RSA 674:21(I)(k) and 674:21(IV)(a), as well as RSA 672:1,IIIe. The Ordinance provides incentives for the development of workforce housing including increases in density and permits uses consistent with the encouragement and development of workforce housing as stipulated in the aforementioned RSAs. Article Did Not Carry

There was also a School Ballot. TheBradfordresults were as follows:

Question 1. Contingent Article. Provided that the State Legislature does not enact a moratorium on school building aid for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, and provided that this project is approved for the State Building Aid, and provided further that the District receives Energy Efficient Community Block Grant ARRA Funds specifically for this project, to see if the school district will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,936,573 for the purchasing of the Energy Conservation Upgrade (for the purpose of improving school building energy conservation) and to authorize the issuance of not more than $2,936,57 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA Chapter 33) and to authorize the School Board to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon, and furthermore, to see if theSchool Districtwill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $83,202 for the first year’s installment payment of interest on the bond issue, (3/5 ballot vote required)((This article will be null and void and the bonds will not be issued, if the Legislature enacts a moratorium on school building aid for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, or if the project is not approved for State Building Aid, or if the ARRA grant request is not approved.) (School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

225 Yes 197 No Article Carried

Question 2. To see if theSchool Districtwill vote to raise and appropriate the Municipal Budget Committee’s recommended amount of $36,389,789 for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the school district officials and agents, and for the payment for the statutory obligations of the District. The School Board recommends $36,478,189. This article does not include appropriations voted in other warrant articles. This warrant article asks the voters to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, the salaries of school district officials and agents, and for the statutory obligations of said District, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from State sources, together with other income, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen of each of the Towns of Bradford,New London, Newbury,Springfield, Sutton. Warner and Wilmot, the amount to be raised by taxation by said towns.

$36,478,189 for the proposed Operating Budget by the School Board 180

$36,389,789 for the proposed Operating Budget by the Municipal Budget Committee 241

Question 3. To see if the School District will vote to approve the cost item included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between theSchool Districtand the Para Educators at Kearsarge (PEAK) which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits at the current staffing levels Year Estimated Increase

2010-11 $43,171

2011-12 $49,921

2012-13 $55,065

And further to raise and appropriate the sum of $43,171 for the upcoming fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits over those of the appropriation at current staffing levels paid in the prior fiscal year. Pursuant to RSA 273- 1:12, VII, this Collective Bargaining Agreement, including the pay plan, but excluding cost of living increases, will continue until a new agreement is executed. (School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

Yes 238 No 214

Question 4. To see if theSchool Districtwill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 to be placed in the Special Education Expendable Trust Fund, established in 2008 within the provisions of RSA 198:20-c for the purpose of emergency funding of unforeseen Special Education costs incurred by the District. (School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

Yes 257 No 186

Question 5. To see if theSchool Districtwill vote to raise and appropriate up to $50,000 to be placed in the School Buildings Maintenance Fund for the purpose of repair, unanticipated utility costs, and maintaining the school buildings and equipment, with such amount to be funded from surplus funds remaining on hand as of June 30, 2010. (School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

Yes 284 No 162

Question 6. Citizen Petition. This petition is to see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $72,000 to contract with the Town ofSuttonfor the services of a position of School Resource Officer for theKearsargeRegionalSchool District.

Salary $40,000.00

` Employers Retirement 6,000.00

Medical Insurance 21,700.00

Dental 900.00

Medicare 700.00

Life 800.00

Uniforms 500.00

Estimated Overtime 2,000.00

Total $72,600.00

(School Board Recommends)(MBC Recommends)

Yes 154 No 276

In the Moderator race for the District Jonathan Steiner received 6 votes. The outcome for the District is not known at this time.

There were 464 Votes cast including 32 Absentee.

Election officials present were Jonathan Steiner Moderator, Fred Hubley Assistant Moderator, Peter Fenton and John Meaney Selectmen,SusanPehrsonTownClerk /Tax Collector, Erica Gross Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Ann Lucier and Judith Marshall Supervisors of the Checklist, Robert Toppi, Audrey Sylvester, Marjorie Cilley, Carol Walker, Caroline Verity, Margaret Ainslie, Phyllis Wilcox, Beth Rodd, Eileen Kelly, Linda Niven, Lynda White, Jane Johnsen, Inspectors of the Election, Leah Keller, Carey Rodd, Christopher Small, Sarah Hirsh, Geoffrey Hirsh, Marancy Pehrson, Annie Ball, Counters. Counting ended at 9:30.

Article Four. To adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, March 10, 2010, at 7:00 pm at theBradfordElementary School on theOld Warner Road. The raising of money and remaining articles in the Warrant will be taken up at the adjourned meeting.

The students ofNew EnglandCollegegave a presentation of their work relating to improvements for the Town ofBradford. Many of their ideas were well received and many of them were cost effective. Their idea of putting in a rotary at the 103 andMain Stintersection was not particularly well received.

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. and a description of the rules was explained. The winners of the previous day were announced and a total of 214 were in attendance. Bob Selig led the citizens in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chip Meany, the outgoing selectman, had a few words to say about the new town garage and the future ofBradford, including a new assessing service and the need for each individual to have a copy of their assessment card. The line items will be looked at, and if there are changes to be made, they will be discussed. The entire Operating Budget will be voted on at the conclusion of the reading of the different expenditures.

Peter Fenton requested that article 29 be brought to the front to enable the youth that were present outside to go home.

Article Twenty Nine. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($2,750) to support the Bradford Newbury Sutton Youth Sports. By Petition. Selectmen do not recommend (unanimous). Budget Committee does not recommend. (This represents approximately $.01 of the tax rate).

Gary Wall stated that the Budget Committee did recommend the article. He was informed that the correction was noted on an additional insert to the warrant. John Tucker and Steve Patten both spoke to their support of this article. Peter Fenton stated that he was supportive of the group, but felt that the town was already giving the BNSYS a donation in the form of a tax deferment of over $3000.00. Article Carried

Beth Rodd requested that Article 33 be brought forward for a vote while most people are still present.

Article Thirty Three. By Petition: To see if the Town will vote to approve the following resolution to be forwarded to our State Representative(s), our State Senator, the Speaker of the House, and the Senate President.

Resolved: The citizens ofNew Hampshireshould be allowed to vote on an amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution that defines “marriage”.

Beth Rodd spoke against the amendment as she felt it was discriminatory toward her fellow man. Steve Patten felt that is just gave us the right to vote, not how we were going to vote. Nancy McEachern responded that she felt it was a social issue and was against it. Article Not Carried

Article Five. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Million Eight Hundred Sixty One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Dollars ($1,861,680.00) for the general municipal operation. This article DOES NOT include amounts appropriated by other warrant articles. (Majority vote required)

Joseph Conway wanted clarification on a few points. Did we end up with a surplus at the end of 2009? If we had a surplus how much went back to the taxpayer and how much went into the fund balance account? There is a 3% increase on this budget over last year excluding warrant articles. How much will the new tax rate be? Cheryl Behr stated that we ended 2009 with approximately $200,000.00. Some of the money would go against the warrant articles. Some would go against the tax rate. It is required by law to keep between 5 and 17% of the operating budget in the fund balance. We are well within that range.

1. Executive $107,827.00

2. Elections and Vital Records 8,864.00

3. Financial Administration 80,918.00

Jeffrey Harling wanted to know why the amount was double last year’s figure. He was told it was ½. Why is it ½? It was explained by Cheryl Behr that the circuit rider worked less hours.

8. General Government 39,982.00

William Glennie wanted to know if the line item had changed its name from General Government Buildings. Cheryl Behr stated that it should be General Government Buildings.

9. Cemetery 17,085.00

10. Insurances 62,882.00

11. Other General Govt 9,600.00

12. Police Department 289,510.00

Robert Manchester wanted to know why the increase from $267,000.00. Peter Fenton explained that the Selectmen decided to go back to the 24 hour protection 7 days a week by putting back into the budget the monies removed from last year’s proposed budget plus a small increase. Jim Valiquet gave some background of the coverage hours and the need to continue with complete coverage.

13. Fire Department 92,500.00

14. Rescue Squad 83,185.00

Robert Manchester wanted to know if this was a net or a gross figure. Cheryl Behr stated that it is the gross figure.

15. Building CodeDept10,950.00

16. Emergency Management 500.00

17. Highway Department 383,064.00

18.BridgeAccount 100.00

19. Street Lighting 4,450.00

20. Solid Waste Collection 57,675.00

21. Solid Waste Disposal 70,834.00

Tandy Hartford wanted to know why there was an increase. Peter Fenton explained that the tipping fees increased.

22. Inoculations 500.00

23. Welfare Administration 4,012.00

24. Welfare Payments 38,377.00

25.Parksand Recreation 1,725.00

26. Library 62,525.00

27. Patriotic Purposes 14,500.00

28.Community Center69,409.00

Robert Manchester wanted to submit an amendment to increase the line item to $77,409.00, to facilitate the Day Camp mentioned in article #35.

Christopher Frey stated that he didn’t think that it could be dictated how the money was to be spent. Peter Fenton informed those present that there was a warrant article to take care of this request and if it went into the budget now the warrant article would have to be passed over. If not, then there would be two chances to vote on the same money. Mark Goldberg wanted to know why this would be a better approach than to go with the other warrant article. Mr.Manchesterfelt that where there were problems in the last two years that this may be the better way to go. Susan McKevitt wanted to know if the amendment passed would that give the Selectmen control over the money. Jonathan Steiner stated that basically that would be the case. Peter Fenton wanted to know if the amendment was voted down would the warrant article stay. Jon answered in the affirmative. Beth Rodd spoke against the amendment in order to keep it out of the General Fund. Amendment Not Carried Unanimously

29. Other Conservation 780.00

30. Long Term Notes 35,000.00

Jeffrey Harling wanted to know why the amount was double. Cheryl Behr explained that it was a double payment.

31. Interest on Tan Notes 2,000.00

Total $1,861,680.00

Entire budget of $1,861,680.00 was passed unanimously.

Article Six. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) for the construction of sidewalks onEast Main Street and to authorize the withdrawal of Twenty One Thousand One Hundred Sixty Eight dollars ($21,168) from theMain Street Improvement Capital Reserve, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) from the unexpended fund balance as of December 31, 2009 and to raise and appropriate the balance of Forty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two dollars ($48,832) to be raised by taxation. This will be a non lapsing appropriation and will continue until complete or December 31, 2015. This appropriation is conditional on the receipt of a grant from the NH Department of Transportation Enhancement Grant (TE Grant) in the amount of Four Hundred and Eighty Thousand Dollars ($480,000) (80% of the project). The grant awards will be announced in the spring of 2010. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.21 of the tax rate).

Cheryl Behr explained the project and the grant thatBradfordcould receive. CurrentlyBradfordis in first place for acceptance for the grant. The project would be completed through continuing appropriations. Several people present spoke against the proposal. Among them were Bretta Gagne, Steven Patten, Dan Peret, David Camire, Michael Gagne, Tate Sweet Brown, Steve Boisvert citing various reasons such as the fact that $600,000 to $800,000 was way out of line when the town needs so much more, roads should come before sidewalks, no money is free including grant money, concern over property values, and cost of maintenance. Peter Fenton explained that although the price tag is $600,000 the town would have to come up with $48,080. Other points discussed by William Glennie, George Cilley, Andrew Speigel, Beth Downs, Andrew Pinard, James Valiquet, were that they all felt the need for a safe route for the children traveling onMain St. This has been a very long time in coming. Jeffrey Harling wanted to know how much total cost from 103 to 114. Cheryl explained that it is a 4 phase project that would include drainage,ADArequirements and for the first 3 phases would cost $2,000,000.

The 1st phase would be from 103 to 114 alongEast Main St. The 2nd phase would be fromWater Stto 103 alongWest Main St. The 3rd and 4th phases would encompass the area from 114 to the Post Office and the area from 114 alongOld Warner Rdto the Elementary School. The question was called. Article Carried

Everett Kittredge moved to restrict reconsideration of article #6. Article Restricted

Mary Keegan Dayton moved to restrict reconsideration of Article #33. Article Restricted

Article Seven: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) to be placed in the Fire Department Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.09 of the tax rate)

Christopher Frey stated it’s a way to save for a truck without having to come up with a lot of money in one year. Article Carried Unanimously

Article Eight. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifteen Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($15,150) to repair the Town Clock. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.07 of the tax rate).

Peter Fenton proposed an amendment to the article to $7,900.00. The town has received a check in the amount of $7,750.00 in insurance. Amendment Carried Unanimously

Cheryl Behr stated that there may be a grant for $5,800 available by the end of March and if we receive it, the money will go into the General Fund. George Cilley gave a little background on the clock. It is 95 years old. It was installed in 1915. It was lighted in 1929. It cost $27,000 to repair the steeple in 2004. Article Carried Unanimously

Article Nine. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to be placed in the Fire Department Building Repair Capital Reserve Fund and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $5000 from the unexpended fund balance as of December 31, 2009 with no money raised by taxation. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (No addition to the tax rate). Article Carried Unanimously

Article Ten. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Town Communications Equipment Capital Reserve Fund and to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to be placed in this fund and further to appoint the Selectmen as agents to expend. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.02 of the tax rate)

Susan McKevitt wanted to know why the Selectmen are to expend. Cheryl Behr explained that if money has to be taken out of reserve for emergency purchase and can’t wait until meeting, it allows the Selectmen to act in the public interest. Mark Goldberg explained that the new equipment will be phased in by 2013 and they want to begin replacing their old equipment. It’s like a savings account. Article Carried Unanimously

Article Eleven. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to be placed in the Ambulance Capital Reserve Fund. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.04 of the tax rate).

Jonathan Marden wanted to know how much it would be to replace the ambulance and what the life expectancy of an ambulance is. Mark Goldberg stated that the present ambulance is 5 years old and the life expectancy of the vehicle is 10 years. The replacement cost could be as much as $200,000.00. Article Carried Unanimously

Article Twelve. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to be placed in the Highway Department Heavy Equipment Fund. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.13 of the tax rate). Article Carried Unanimously

Article Thirteen. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a five year lease purchase agreement for One Hundred and Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($102,500) for the purchase of a backhoe and a six year extended warranty for the amount of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($2,800) for theBradford Highway department and to raise and appropriate Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Three Dollars ($18,433) for the first year payment and warranty expense. This lease contains an escape clause. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.08 of the tax rate).

There was considerable discussion on this article. Jeffrey Remillard explained the problems with the current backhoe. The head gasket, and the converter is gone. 3rd and 4th gears are weak. It has had 5000 hours of hard hours. The backhoe would bring a $20,000 trade-in value. Most of the individuals were interested in the specifics of the existing backhoe. Steve Patten, David Camire, Mike Hurley, and Tate Sweet Brown all had operator questions. While others, RobertManchester, Debra Diamond, Jonathan Marden, Tandy Hartford, Jeffrey Harling, Gary Wall, all were interested in the particulars of the lease and how that would play out over the life of the backhoe. It was explained that there was an escape clause that was approved every year, and there were three companies they were looking into. Peter Fenton also explained that the backhoe does not qualify under the heading of Heavy Equipment. The backhoe could be bought out for $1.00 after the lease ran out. The lease cost would go into the budget every year. Article Not Carried

Article Fourteen. To see if the Town will vote to establish the Highway Heavy Equipment Repair Capital Reserve Fund and to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) to be placed in this Fund. The Selectmen are agents to expend. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.09 of the tax rate).

Andrew Pinard wanted to know what this covered. Peter Fenton explained that it would cover the Grader and now the backhoe. Everett Kittredge stated that he felt Heavy Equipment would be defined by the fact that it was paid for out of the Heavy Duty Capital Reserve Fund. Caution should be used when defining leased equipment as it is not as clear. Jonathan Marden wanted to know if this was a new fund. The answer was yes. Susan McKevitt thought that the definition had been changed between the previous article and this one. Peter Fenton explained that there wasn’t enough money in the current budget for repairs, but yes he did say previously the backhoe did not qualify as heavy equipment. Doug Troy felt that putting money away right now in this economy maybe wasn’t the right time. Susan McKevitt wanted to know if the Selectmen could use some of the Fund Balance to fund the repairs. Peter Fenton replied that it would have to be approved by DRA and normally that money is used to help off-set the tax rate. Charles Meany III added that the repairs for the Highway Dept. have already topped $20,000.00 and there is no end in sight. Richard Paul felt that the drivers of town equipment need to drive more carefully. Article Not Carried

Article Fifteen. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000) to be placed in the Gravestone Repair Expendable Trust. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents less than $.01 of the tax rate). Article Carried Unanimously

Article Sixteen. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to be placed in the Town Building Emergency Repair Capital Reserve Fund and to authorize the withdrawal of that amount from unexpended fund balance as of December 31 2009 with no money raised by taxation. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (No addition to the tax rate). Article Carried Unanimously

Article Seventeen. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to be placed in theTownBuilding and Facility Renovation Capital Reserve Fund and to authorize the withdrawal of that amount from unexpended fund balance as of December 31, 2009 with no money raised by taxation. Selectmen and Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (No impact on tax rate).

Peter Fenton moved to withdraw the article for the Selectmen. Cheryl Behr explained that there is already quite a bit of money in the fund and in the interest of saving money the Selectmen decided to withdraw the article. Philip LaMoreaux asked does the money stay where it is. Yes. Article Withdrawn

Article Eighteen. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($24,500) to purchase a new police cruiser and transfer the existing equipment. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.11 of the tax rate).

What is included in the cost? James Valiquet said it involved moving the existing equipment to the new cruiser and outfitting the back seat. Christopher Frey proposed an amendment to reduce the cost of the cruiser by the $5000.00 not used in the previous warrant article. Amendment Carried

The new article would read: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($24,500) to purchase a new police cruiser and transfer the existing equipment. Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) is to come from the unexpended fund balance for that purpose, and the remaining Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($19,500) to be raised by taxation. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.11 of the tax rate).

James Valiquet informed those present that the dealer had one left over 2009 cruiser in the right color and if he was the first to contact the dealer in the morning, there would be an additional $2500 savings. The decision would be up to the town. The general consensus was that the chief should go for the leftover car if possible. Michael Gagne wanted to know if we were going to get rid of the old car. He was told that the old cruiser would be kept. Preston Starr observed that new vehicles are necessary. He’s seen the old cars and can appreciate the need for a new one. He would like to see 2 new ones. Article Carried

Article Nineteen. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Bridge Design and Build Capital Reserve Fund and raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000) to be placed in this fund. Selectmen are agents to expend. Selectmen unanimously recommend. – Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.15 of the tax rate). Article Not Carried

Article Twenty. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Six Thousand Dollars ($26,000) to replace the roof on theBementCovered Bridge with a corrugated metal roof. This will be non-lapsing and continue until the project is done or December 31, 2015. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.11 of the tax rate).

Alan Willard proposed an amendment to substitute the proposed wording of corrugated metal roof with white cedar shakes. George Cilley commented that the original roof was metal. Peter Fenton pointed out that the article was figured on a metal roof. Brooks McCandlish wanted to know if it was for a corrugated or standing seam roof. He was told it was for the corrugated roof. Amendment Not Carried

William Glennie wanted to know why it was so expensive. Steven Lucier stated he believed it was due to the fact the repair would take place over water. Douglas Troy wanted to make an amendment to change the wording corrugated metal roof to standing seam roof. Mark Goldberg asked where is the money to do it? Andrew Pinard stated that a corrugated roof will leak after time as the rubber rings disintegrate and fall off. Everett Kittredge suggested that we leave the wording as metal and the type could be decided later according to best price. Brooks McCandlish stated that a corrugated will always leak after a fashion. Perry Teele added that theBradfordBaptistChurchhas a standing seam roof and the total cost was $11,000. Michael Hurley wanted to table the question until more information was available, but was told that it had been moved and could not be tabled at this time. George Cilley stated that when he spoke with a roofer he was told that over 1/3rd the cost was due to the fact that it was over water. Amendment Carried

Philip LaMoureux suggested that the Selectmen are given the ability to get the new standing seam roof if it can be done for the money mentioned. If that is not possible then the roof will have to wait.

Mark Goldberg proposed an amendment to raise the amount of money in the article to $50,000 to cover the cost of a standing seam roof.

Amendment Not Carried Unanimously

Steve Patten commented that he felt it was too much money. Perhaps the roof could be removed by the use of a crane and reroofed on dry ground. Susan McKevitt wanted to know the condition of the present roof. Alan Willard responded that the bridge is sound at the present time. Michael Gagne stated that he thought it was money that could be used elsewhere. Donald Jackson observed that repair for wood rot would be more costly. Jeffrey Harling asked if where there was a time limit if the Selectmen felt that it would take 5 years to finish. He was told No.

Cheryl Behr explained that non-lapsing means pre work and be done.

Article Not Carried

Article Twenty One. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for asphalt road repairs and shimming. This will be non-lapsing and continue until the project is complete or December 31, 2015. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.17 of the tax rate).

Article Carried

Article Twenty Two. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty- Four Thousand Dollars ($54,000) for road reconstruction ofCounty Road. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.23 of the tax rate).

Steven Pattern wanted to know what was being done. Jeffrey Remillard replied that it would include drainage, gravel, grading and general rebuilding. Andrew Pinard asked if the town was going to do the work. Jeffrey Remillard told him yes. Steven Lucier wanted to know if they were planning on widening the shoulder. Jeffrey Remillard did not feel that it was necessary. Debra Diamond wanted to know if the required equipment was available. Jeffrey Remillard assured her that is was. Edythe Craig, Peter Isham, and Steven Boisvert all felt that the road did not require rebuilding and that the money did not need to be spent.

Article Not Carried Unanimously

Article Twenty Three. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Ten Thousand dollars ($110,000) to begin the first phase of a three year project to reconstruction and resurfaceSunset Hill Road. This will be a non lapsing appropriation and will not lapse until the project is complete or December 31, 2015. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.48 of the tax rate).

Article Not Carried Unanimously

Article Twenty Four. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for the 2010 recertification of property assessments as required by the NH Department of Revenue. Twenty five thousand dollars will be withdrawn from the Revaluation Capital Reserve and Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) will be raised by taxation. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.06 of the tax rate).

Cheryl Behr explained that if we don’t do the recertification of property assessments we can be fined and DRA can have someone come in and give us the bill. Gary Wall stated that so far during the meeting we had saved $347,000. Susan McKevitt wanted to know how the $20,000 previously voted on had any bearing on this article. Cheryl Behr explained that the previous money would be used for tax maps and a timber monitor.

Article Carried

Article Twenty Five. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) to make an additional principal payment on the Town Highway Garage long term note and to authorize the withdrawal of this amount from the unexpended fund balance as of December 31, 2009 with no additional money to be raised by taxation. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (No tax rate increase.).

Jeffrey Harling wished to know why we would like to make an additional payment. Christopher Frey explained that the money was raised last year but didn’t come due in time for last year’s budget. The Selectmen simply want permission to pay the bill. Douglas Troy wanted to know what the interest rate is. He was told by Cheryl Behr that it is 3.4%.

Article Carried

Article Twenty Six. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to fund the Boat Launch. Selectmen unanimously recommend. Budget Committee unanimously recommends. (This represents approximately $.02 of the tax rate). Article Carried

Article Twenty Seven. Shall the Town vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 36-A:4-a,(b) to authorize the conservation commission to expend funds for contributions to “qualified organizations” for the purchase of property interests, or facilitating transactions related thereto, where the property interest is to be held by the qualified organization and the town will retain no interest in the property.

Nathaniel Bruss spoke to the article explaining the need for the warrant article due the change of state laws. George Cilley asked if the Commission could expend money without the vote of the town. Nathaniel Bruss said that there would have to be a public hearing. Judith Eldridge stated that it would not require a vote of the public.

Article Carried

Article Twenty Eight. To see if the Town will adopt the provisions of RSA 72:66 for a property tax exemption on real property equipped with a wind powered energy system which exemption shall be in the amount of 100% of the assessed value of the wind powered energy system up to $35,000 until rescinded. By Petition.

Robert Manchester explained that the purpose of this warrant was to get a tax break for just the wind mill.

Article Carried

Article Thirty. The Town Clerk/Tax Collector and the Selectmen’s Office will be open to the public 35 hours per week and not to exceed 35 hours. The office hours for both will be conducted Tuesday thru Friday as follows:

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:30-12:00pm 1:00 pm -5pm, Thursday 8:00 am- 12:00pm 1:00pm-7:00pm. The lunch hour is unpaid.

The Town Clerk/Tax Collector will be open to the public the last Saturday of the month from 8:00am-12:00pm of each month except on holidays that fall on Saturday they will open the following Saturday. The office hours for that week will be the same except for morning hours on Thursday and Friday which will be 10:00 am-12:00pm not to exceed 35 hours. Having the offices open for the same hours will give the residents more opportunity to conduct all their business in person at the Town Hall. Office hours will be posted for the entire calendar year on January 1. By Petition.

Ann Lucier proposed an amendment to the article to include after 35 Hours. The Town Clerk/Tax Collector will become an hourly paid position.

Amendment Not Carried

Steven Patten felt the article was ridiculous. Marlene Freyler wanted to know if it was legal to propose hours for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector Office. Cheryl Behr explained the RSA 41 for elected officials and informed those present that the statutes could not be changed by town meeting.

Article Not Carried

Article Thirty One. The Road Agent is an appointed position and the requirement will include the road Agent must reside in Bradford or one of the abutting Towns. By Petition.

Steven Lucier proposed an amendment to require the Road Agent to reside in town or not more than 20 minutes travel time to the Town garage. Michael Hurley wanted to know how long it took the road agent to get to the garage. He was told by Jeffrey Remillard that at present between 25 and 30 minutes. Laurie Methven felt that a time requirement was arbitrary. You can’t count on rain, snow, road conditions. Debra Diamond stated that instead of time it should have been based on mileage. She then stated that the distance was 26 1/2 miles. Jeffrey Remillard corrected her and said it was exactly 26 miles. Steven Patten pointed out that you don’t have to go very far to be in a different weather environment.

Amendment Not Carried

Nancy McEachern stated that she felt it was setting a poor precedent. Debra Diamond was adamant about the weather issue and the necessity of living close by.GaryWall wanted to know if the warrant article passed would that mean that the road agent would be fired. Steven Patten felt there should be a contingency plan allowing for the distance traveled by the road agent.

Peter Fenton read an opinion from the LGC which among many other factors stated an individual’s right to travel. He went on to say that there is a 5 man crew and someone is always available. William Glennie asked if the crew member lived in town. Peter Fenton replied that one of them did.

Article Not Carried

Article Thirty Two. Petition for making Maple View Drive a Town Road. We the residents of Bradford, New Hampshire request that the privately owned road of Maple View Drive, be converted to a town owned and maintained road. By Petition (signatures at the town hall).

James Murphy stated that when he bought his property he was told that the town would take over the road. Jonathan Marden wanted to know if the road was up to specifications. Jeffrey Remillard responded telling those present that the road needs improvement. Core samples would have to be taken and the asphalt checked. Steven Lucier informed the meeting that Arnold Anderson signed off on the road. It is very narrow and the asphalt is in severe shape. The road is a mess. Elizabeth Rodd felt that the road should be accepted as the people who reside there are considered the public. James Murphy said there are 6 houses on the road now. Nathaniel Bruss and Laurie Brown both felt it would set a precedent for fixing roads. Judith Eldridge didn’t feel we should take it on as it was a dead end road leading to nowhere. James Murphy pointed out that when the home owners were issued their certificate of occupancy it included the road, but the road has never been accepted. Steven Boisvert thought the fact the road is not accepted, it would affect the value of the property. Full taxes would not be assessed. Peter Fenton cautioned that accepting this road could allow any private road issues to be brought before the town.

Article Not Carried Unanimously

Article Thirty Four. To see if the town will vote to direct the Selectmen to sell the Caterpillar skid steer loader purchased in 2009 without the approval at Town Meeting. By Petition.

Andrew Pinard stated that in December 2009 the Selectmen voted to spend the money from the unexpended balance for 2009 to purchase the skid steer. He pointed out that the Selectmen are not supposed to spend any funds for any purposes that were not appropriated. He further pointed that the skid steer has caused some damage to the trees atLafayette Square. Peter Fenton stated that there had been two Selectmen meetings prior to the purchase, DRA and town council both advised that the procedure was correct. He went on to point out some of the previous purchases done in the same manner dating back to 1998. Marjorie Cilley says the plowed sidewalks are wonderful. Steven Patten didn’t feel the cost justified an inferior machine in his opinion. William Glennie wanted to know the resale value. The figure is unknown. Michael Gagne wanted to know the original cost of the skid steer. Cheryl Behr told him $28,000. Jeffrey Remillard offered the figure of $1,900 to replace the undercarriage. The trailer is his own personal equipment and he will continue to use it rather than see the wear on the under carriage.

Article Not Carried

Article Thirty Five. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500.00) for the continuation of the Nature’s Circle Summer Camp for youth. This amount is to be used for payroll expenses for camp counsellors, transportation and supplies used to conduct a quality day camp for Bradford area children. This amount to be offset by fees and donations collected from/for the camp as has occurred in 2008 and 2009. By Petition. Selectmen do not recommend (unanimous). Budget Committee does not recommend (3 no, 1 yes, 1 abstain) (This represents approximately $.04 of the tax rate).

Felicia Starr wanted to know why the Selectmen didn’t recommend the article. Peter Fenton stated that there were many questions unanswered. No answers appeared to be forthcoming. Jonathan Marden wanted to have the funding explained. Cheryl Behr explained that there is a $1,500 scholarship. There is also a Church and Women’s Scholarship as well. If they have full enrollment there isn’t any problem, but if, as was the case last year, enrollment drops off then the town has to pick up the extra cost. Dawn Rich spoke in support of the article. Kate Dobrowski felt that where the town supported the program last year that it should support it again this year.

Article Carried

Article Thirty Six. To see if the town will vote to accept the reports of the Town Offices. To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting. Reports Accepted

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.

Brooks McCandlish, Jonathan Steiner, Ruth Marden, Harold Wright,LorraineMacLeod, Nola Jordan, Delbert Harris III, William Glennie, Donald Jackson, George Cilley, Elizabeth Rodd, Carrey Rodd, Nancy McEachern, Everett Kittredge were sworn at the end of the meeting.

BradfordBoard of Selectmen

Charles Meany, Chairman

Peter Fenton, Selectman

Jack Meaney, Selectman

A True Copy Attest:

Susan Pehrson

Town Clerk/Tax Collector