Zoning Board Minutes 02.14.18

Town of Bradford

Zoning Board of Adjustment

February 14th 2018


The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm

Members present: Brooks McCandlish, Chair; Denise Renk, Bill Duffy, Ken Parys (seated), Nathanial Bruss

Alternates present: Bob Hodges

Members Absent: Stephen Pierce

Brooks asked Alternate Ken Parys to sit as a member due to Stephen’s absence.

Nathanial Bruss volunteered to take minutes.

Review and consideration of minutes of Jan 3rd and Jan 17th.   Brooks suggested that the Jan 17th minutes be revised to include wording on the first item of the agenda.

“Public Hearing on Dunne application for variance to allow subdivision on a Class 6 road.  Public hearing opened at 7:04pm. “

To include the wording “Comments and Questions at the Public Meeting:”

It was corrected to state that a letter was received at the public hearing from the “Conservation Commission.”

No new Applications

Budget was discussed and it was noted that the combined zoning and planning budget was up 10% from last year but 5% less than requested.

OSI conference in April

There was discussion concerning the applications for the clerk position.  Bob and Ken will help Brooks and come to interview applicants for the position.  Brooks will let others know of interview times so that they might attend.  Brooks to coordinate with other boards for interviews.  It was discussed that the clerk should be knowledgeable concerning land use regulations and should attend appropriate conferences such as the OSI conference.

The Variance application was discussed along with Kens suggestions and observations.  It was agreed that clarification and revisions in the application and instructions were needed.  Specifically, it was noted that it should be clear that the applicant must demonstrate unnecessary hardship and that it is not the boards job to construct an argument to demonstrate.  Ken to draft a new application.

Motion to adjourn; Bill Duffy

Second; Denise Renk

Motion unanimous

Meeting Adjourned at 8:02

Submitted by Nathanial Bruss