Zoning Board Minutes for 08.16.17

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Brooks McCandlish, Chair.


Members Present:

Brooks McCandlish, Chair; Denise Renk; Nathanial Bruss, Heather Weed, Alternate, Bob Hodges

Members Absent:

Stephen Pierce; Bill Duffy


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of August 2, 2017 were accepted


Review of Public Hearing for Rosa’s application for Hunting Preserve:

The Board reviewed the Finding of Facts (these will be published on the website once approved by the Board). After discussion on the Finding of Facts there was a motion to accept with section 2. Reading “This proposal is for a hunting preserve regulated under RSA 212:25 and Chapter Fis 800 of NH Administrative Rules. It is not for a shooting range subject to RSA 159B. Vote 5-0.  Brooks handed out two different motions, one to accept and one to deny. The Board reviewed the motions and there was discussion about concerns about the section of the Special Exception regarding Injurious to the neighborhood. Bob felt there was a concern of bullets landing on abutters’ property and also concerned that there was no safety plan in place. Brooks did then explain the requirements that Fish and Game would put in place for Mr. Rosa and Mr. Rosa has expressed that he will be following the requirements under Fish and Game.

The Board went through each criterion for a Special Exception and after much discussion Bob made a motion to deny the Special Exception. He proposed to use the Drafted denial that Brooks had provided with the addition on the end of section 2 to continue to write “resultant noise pollution. Vote 4-1


The next meeting will be September 6, 2017 at 7:00pm in the Community Center


As there was no additional business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:21PM.