Budget Committee Agenda 01.03.12


AGENDA for Thursday January 03, 2013, 6:30pm — Location- Bradford Community


1. Call to order & Roll Call

2. Review and consideration of minutes of December 19,2012

3. Budget interviews with departments

a. Police

b. Executive

c. Highway Dept.

4. Discussion of budgets since unapproved by the Selectmen:

4140- Elections

4441- Welfare

4520-Parks & Recreation

Yes No Hold

5. Discussion and vote on:

4650- Library $64,610 ___ ___ ___

4220- Fire Dept. $61,500 ___ ___ ___

4225- Rescue Squad $70,860 ___ ___ ___

4155- Employee Benefits $262,617 ___ ___ ___

4210- Police Dept. $__________ ___ ___ ___

4240- Building Dept. $__________ ___ ___ ___

4312_ Highway Dept. $__________ ___ ___ ___

4711- Lg.Term Notes $31,880 ___ ___ ___

4723- Tan Notes $A2,000 ___ ___ ___

6. Any other Budget Committee business to be discussed

7. Public input and comments

8. Schedule for next meeting

9. Adjournment