Planning Board Minutes 07.12.11

JULY 12, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with Jim Bibbo, Bill Glennie, John Greenwood, Phil LaMoreaux, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, present. Sonny Harris and Secretary Marge Cilley were absent.

CIP Update: Bill Glennie advised that the CIP process is going well. Of the three major departments, Fire Department has submitted its requests, Police is expected soon. The Highway Department has not yet presented its Capital items, but has until July 29 to do so. This will allow the CIP Committee to do the analysis in August this year rather than November and it is hoped that all capital requests will be in to avoid the last minute planning that was required in 2010.

Glennie stressed that better interdepartmental planning can assist in coordination of budget items needed.

Phil LaMoreaux was thanked for attending the most recent CIP meeting and continuing as Planning Board Rep. while Glennie is in China.

Conceptual Consultations:

Dave Camire, Jr. Breezy Hill Road, Map 7, Lot 14. Mr. Camire discussed with the Board his options for conducting a welding and fabricating business in a garage at his home. He plans to increase the amount now done with the idea of becoming self-employed there. The Board reviewed the requirements for consideration as a Home Business. Questions were raised about “noises, or produce potential nuisances” to which Camire responded that he is very sensitive to his neighbors and if there were a complaint he would address it.

Signage requirements for a home business were mentioned. The Board agreed that the proposed use meets the Home Business criteria at this time, but could be revisited and a site plan required, if necessary, in the future. The Home Business Compliance form was filled out and signed by the Applicant and the Planning Board Chair.

Martyn Chivers, Breezy Hill Road, Map 3, Lot 74, Motor Vehicle Salvage Yard. Mr. Chivers was represented by Jon L. Warzochya, Horizons Engineering to discuss the requirements to operate a Motor Vehicle Salvage Yard as part of his operation at the O. E. Trucking site. Mr. Warzocha presented a plan showing the general locations of a scale, future building, and storage areas for vehicles and other scrap metal. He was aware of the requirements of the Shoreland Protection Act and floodplain location and that the proposal would require a modification of the existing site plan. He was advised of the two Zoning Districts included on the lot is question. A Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment is necessary to operate the “junk yard” in the Rural Residential District. A variance would be required if the junk yard were to be located in the Residential Business portion of the lot.

Seth Benowitz and Patty Furness for the Conservation Commission asked about snow removal, runoff to the river and possible impact on the aquifer system in connection with the new business.

Traffic was discussed and noted that trucks would enter site, then return back out towards route 103. There is no concern on trucks need to drive further than entrance to yard.

Public Hearings:

Joe Torro, 718 West Road – Lot Line Adjustment – Map 4, Lot 29 & 30 When the application and certified receipts could not be located, Mr. Torro graciously went home and brought back his copies of the plan. This hearing was then resumed later on the agenda. The Board reviewed the application and submissions, noted that the information requested at the conceptual consultation had been added and voted the application as complete. The Public Hearing was opened. Co-applicants Michelle and David Halstead were present and advised that the parcel in question is under current use. After discussion and questions, the Public Hearing was closed. The requested expedited review was approved by a 6 – 0 vote. The Board voted 6 – 0 to approve the application with the conditions that a mylar suitable for filing and four additional paper copies be provided.

TDS, Bacon Road – Map 18, Lot 38 – Placement of Remote Subscriber Terminal on property of David Long: The public hearing on this application was continued from June 14, 2011 to provide for all abutters, as defined in RSA 672: 3, to be notified by certified mail of the time and date for the hearing. Greg Spanenberg, Field Supervisor for Weyers Consulting, presented the revised plan showing the proposed location. The Board voted to accept the application as complete and the public hearing was opened for discussion.

Mr. Brewersdorf from TDS answered some questions regarding the type of service to be provided. To install unit would take three to five days. Noise level Runs about as loud as a household refrigerator.

Abutter Cindy Nunnally inquired about possible screening for the unit. Spanenberg said that this could be done. Side facing Bacon Road will be left open to allow for snow removal to service the unit.

The public hearing was closed and the Board voted, 6 – 0, to approve the application with the condition that evergreen plantings be shown on a plan and then planted to help the unit blend in with the surrounding area.

Edwin and Elizabeth Fowler, 509 West Road- 2 Lot Subdivision – Map 5, Lot 36:

Bob Stewart Jr. of RCS Designs represented Mr. Fowler and reviewed the revised plan that showed a 2.5 acre building area. Application line item 4 to be changed to show land is in current use.

The Board accepted the application as complete and the public hearing was opened. As a Wetlands Scientist, Stewart described the wetlands areas on the parcel and responded to questions regarding a full wetland survey of the property that was done several years ago. That surveyor delineated all wetlands with pink and black striped plastic ribbons which remained for a lengthy period of time but since have disappeared.

Question from public on use. Lot is intended for residential use. Concern was expressed for a possible driveway on the west side of the 12 Ac. Parcel because of wetlands. The plan submitted shows the driveway access on the south and it would be up to the road agent to approve a change. Stewart advised that the State would probably not allow a wetlands crossing for the driveway and Phil LaMoreaux stated that the Planning Board could require a Conditional Use permit if the driveway was proposed in a wetlands area. Questions were raised about whether the impermeable soil could support a septic system and whether the high water table would support a foundation.

The Public Hearing was closed and the Board approved the request for an expedited review. By a vote of 6 – 0 the Board approved the application conditional on 1) a revised plan being submitted that adds two abutters and corrects the mailing address of a third abutter and 2) a mylar provided suitable for filing based on the revised plan.

Barry Wheeler – Gravel Pit Permit, Map 2, Lot 104-1: Under state regulations a new gravel pit permit application must be submitted when the previous permit has expired. Wheeler presented his application and explained that no gravel had been removed in the past three years, but that the permit is necessary to complete leveling his lot. The application submitted is the same as the previous one. The Board accepted the application as complete and the public hearing was opened. Abutter Burton Hersh inquired whether the ongoing work would be the same as the past three years. The response was yes. Wheeler submitted two waiver requests 1) Not to require the $1,000 surety bond and 2) To accept the 1” = 200’ scale on the existing plan. The Board voted to waive both requests. The Public Hearing was closed and a 6 -0 vote approved the permit with an expiration date of July 12, 2014.

Corsair Realty – review of conditions with deadline of August 1, 2011. Map 7 Lot 29: It was noted that the applicant had not submitted the required Special Request application to the ZBA on July 6. Action will be reserved until the Planning Board meeting on July 26. Several Board members noted that there has been extensive logging carried out on the property and Selectmen Wright was asked to determine whether or not an Intent to Cut had been filed and signed by the Selectmen.

Review and Consideration of June 14, 2011 minutes: The Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Other Business:

Meeting adjourned 9:25pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia O. Keller, Chair