Planning Board Minutes 08.25.15


AUGUST 25, 2015


Meeting called to order by Erich Caron, Vice Chair, at 7:05pm

Members Present

Erich Caron, Vice Chair; Garrett Bauer; Claire James; Mark Keith; Carol Troy; Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Rep; Steve Chase, Alternate, seated; Marcia Keller, Alternate

Members Absent

Jim Bibbo, Chair; Miriam D’Angona, Alternate

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Motion made to approve minutes of August 11, 2015 without edits. Voted 6-0. Mark Keith and Carol Troy abstained.

Master Plan

Garrett Bauer advised he spoke with Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC, who recommended a survey be conducted this fall prior to the visioning session as the survey results will provide substance for the visioning session. Estimate for survey work from CNHRPC will be sent out to board members following the meeting, estimate comes in at $2000.

  • Claire James wrote an article for the Bridge to inform residents of the upcoming survey.
  • Secretary will look into the broken link to the Master Plan on the town website.

CIP Report

CIP is moving along with a Public Hearing scheduled for October 13, 2015. The final draft of the CIP will be presented to the Planning Board on September 22, 2015. A draft will be available soon and circulated to the board members, CIP Chair requested the board members review the document.

Gravel Pit Inspection Review- Map 7-26

Earth Excavation Inspection Checklist reviewed line by line by board members who conducted the inspection. Property passed inspection easily. A letter of review will be drafted and sent to Hill & Dale, LLC. A copy of the letter, minutes of the inspection and photos will be added to the property file. Secretary will generate a town permit for display at the excavation site.

Additional Business

– Letter received from Town Administrator requesting the board review the 2015 budget and plan accordingly for 2016.

– Secretary advised owner of will be coming in for a consultation at the next meeting scheduled September 8, 2015.

The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 8:46pm