Conservation Commission Minutes 03.16.21

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
March 16, 2021, 7pm via Zoom

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish and Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 2/16/21 was reviewed. A motion was made by Meg to accept the draft minutes as read, seconded by Brooks, and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated there has been no activity.

Saving Special Places: The annual land conservation conference will be held virtually April 9 and 10. Conference details are on the SSP website.
Baldwin-Cottrell Series: This speaker series will be presented Tuesdays 3/16 through 4/06 at 7pm via Zoom. Topics include trout streams, NE Cottontail rabbit habitat restoration, foraging for edible wild plants, and protection of freshwater resources.
Northeast Wilderness Trust Speaker Series: This virtual event will feature a variety of wilderness experts, scientists, writers and artists on Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 mid March through the end of May.
Bioblitz: This is a one day event to get community members outside and exploring the varied species of flora and fauna on specific town properties. Possible sites to hold this in Bradford were discussed, and included the Bog or Naughton property. Stay tuned.
Abenaki Trails Project: Sherry Gould has been informed of BCC input and statement of position on the proposed site plan at the Bradford Hotel site, as well as feedback from Anne Payeur of Ausbon Sargent.
ASLPT: Andy Deegan has contacted us regarding a potential new Bradford easement. An assessment of the property would need to be done if moving forward. Also, the owner of a 55 acre land parcel contacted Andy regarding easement interest. This land is part of the Lake Massasecum watershed, with extensive wetlands and diverse wildlife. With both of these potential easement opportunities, we will express interest, but more information and details are needed. Discussion of determining easement investment ensued. Doug opined that prioritizing possible lands to conserve would be helpful in determining where efforts should be spent. Nathanial added that the risk of development should be included in the conservation effort equation.
Masonic Home Map2/Lot 10: This 91 acre property is between 2 aquifers and is part of a large unfragmented parcel in Newbury. Ann was contacted by the current owners, Masonicare Corp, inquiring of any interest in purchasing the land as a conservation property. Ann will express interest on behalf of the BCC, but more details are required.
Carter Hill Road: There was an inquiry regarding a building permit on a 5 acre lot on Carter Hill Rd, Nathanial suggested that the BCC should comment on this potential building on Class VI Roads, which could lead to unplanned and premature growth in this and other undeveloped areas. Ann will draft a letter to the Select Board and Planning Board for BCC members to review.
Town Properties: A warrant article will be presented at the April town meeting requesting five specified town properties be offered to abutters for non-housing due to their land locked and/or wetland condition. Ann suggested reinforming the current Select Board of this. An article will be submitted to the Bridge and Stonebridge.
Carbon Cash Back Petition: An article to the Bridge and other publications will be submitted prior to town meeting.
Road Salt: Doug has been in communication with Steve Hall regarding road salt usage. Two types of salt are applied on Bradford roads: sodium chloride in winter for ice, and calcium chloride in summer to control dust on dirt roads. It appears that the sodium chloride has a detrimental impact on vegetation along roads. Further study is needed before making any suggestions to Steve.
Tall Pines Cleanup: RHC has expressed interest in aiding in cleanup of the Tall Pines area. However, state notification is suggested before any action is taken.
Warner River Local Advisory Committee: A new member is needed from Bradford. Mona Freese is a possibility.
Economic Development Committee: This newly formed group is interested in promoting our trails and public lands map. Ann mentioned the lack of parking at most trail sites. Doug stressed that landowner permission for extended public use is necessary for some of these areas. These concerns will be relayed to the committee.
Bog Boardwalk Lumber Donation: A generous logger donated hemlock boards for Bradford Bog boardwalk repairs and George will install. A round of hoorahs and appreciation went to Arthur and George!

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. The next meeting is 4/20/21, 7pm via Zoom.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary