Energy Committee Minutes 01.03.24

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Marlene Freyler, Jenny Locke-Howley, Susan Moss, Laura Ryder
November Minutes approved

  1. Community Power Update:
    Andrew Hatch of Community Power Coalition NH (CPCNH) informed our Energy Aggregation Committee (Jenny and Kathleen) that Merrimack County Board of Commissioners will be joining CPCNH for all of the towns in Merrimack County. We now have a choice to make:
    a. Bradford can simply become part of this county wide plan to receive our power under the leadership of Merrimack County Board of Commissioners, in which the only decision to make on joining would fall to the Select Board. Our representation in CPCNH would be through Merrimack County.
    b. We can continue to apply as a separate town. Bradford’s draft aggregation plan is ready for the Select Board for approval and then to go on to the PUC for approval. This ensures Bradford will have a representative at CPCNH. This means that we would continue with a Warrant Article to be approved by public vote at Town Meeting in March. If approved, all of the agreements, approvals, legal oversight, public mailings, etc., will fall to our Energy Aggregation Plan to enact.
    How do we move forward? If all went as originally planned, Bradford could come on-line with CPCNH in June or September. Merrimack County Board of Commissioners is on the same timeline to launch with CPCNH. Starting on February 1, price difference will be very small between Eversource (8.285cents/kwh) vs CPCNH (8.1 cents/kwh) (See Rate Card at the end of the minutes)
    We agreed to: Hold the Public Hearing, as planned, on January 9th at 6pm. A representative from CPCNH will be present. BEC members will attend the Merrimack County Board of Commissioners planning meeting date to be determined. We will make a decision as to which path to take at our next meeting on January 16. Right now it appears that it will make no difference at all to the residents, and could save our committee and town a great deal of the work of an individual application if we choose to join in with CPCNH through Merrimack County.
  2. Town Hall Renovation Project – See Bradford Bridge for updates
  3. Municipal Weatherization Status
    a. Highway Garage Update – project completed, rebate received, item closed out.
    Final Blower Door tests show that there has been a 27% reduction in air leakage.
    b. Fire Station Update. AeroBarrier was completed on December 5. Shakes to Shingles is working with a subcontractor to weatherstrip one bay door. Final Blower Door test has shown an 80% reduction in air leakage.
    c. Following that the paperwork will be submitted to NHSaves in order for Bradford to receive the anticipated rebate of $11,871.50.
    d. BACC – We have not moved forward with plans for weatherization for BACC while we wait for the town offices to move back to the renovated Town Hall. Plans for use of the BACC will determine if we can seek grants for some of the necessary work.
  4. Solar Energy – No updates.
  5. Heat Pumps – No updates.
  6. Kearsarge Climate Action – No meeting in December. Next meeting is January 10, 2024. Hannaford and Center for Ecotechnology (CET) received a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant to investigate “Business Food Waste Diversion in the Kearsarge Area”. The purpose of the grant project is to engage with local businesses and schools to promote best practices and provide guidance on affordable food waste diversion options. Our task was to identify businesses and schools in the Kearsarge area that generate food waste.
  7. New Hampshire Network Update
    a. Laura has joined the Energy Working Group through NH Environment, Energy and Climate Network. Members are drawn from Clean Energy NH and Town Energy Committees. Topics include Legislation and Policy, Funding sources for residents as they become available, and encouraging people to opt into a higher percentage of clean energy sources one they are part of CPCNH.
  8. Legislative Updates
    a. A good place to stay on top of NH legislative updates is through the
    b. Should BEC propose to submit a warrant article to fund a Municipal Transportation Improvement Fee per NH RSA 261:153 which allows towns and cities to collect an additional $5 fee per vehicle registration? Funds are held in a capital reserve fund and may not be used to offset any non-transportation projects. It could benefit long term energy use reduction and reduce greenhouse gases, but we raised questions as to whether we were the appropriate committee to lead. It looks to us to be more suited to the Economic Development Committee. Sandra will pass this on to them. After discussion about the rise in local taxes this year, we decided that this was not the time to introduce this article. We voted NO to submit the warrant article.
  9. BEC Public Outreach
    a. The December issue of the Bradford Bridge contained a notice that a Community Power hearing was scheduled for December 4. Meeting was rescheduled to December 12. The meeting was poorly attended and we hope more residents will attend on January 9th, 6pm at BACC.
  10. Proposed articles for January Bridge
    a. Susan is writing an article on benefits on switching to heat pump water heaters for February. It was suggested that we also submit such articles to the Messenger.
  11. Conclude: Next meeting, January 16, 5-6pm at BACC.