Energy Committee Minutes 02.11.21

Via Zoom

Clarifications on questions supplied by Sandra on Feb 12.

In attendance: Sandra Bravo, Chair, Susan Moss, Laura Ryder.

unable to attend, Kathleen Bigford


  • The BEC successfully solicited signatures to be included on the Town Warrant for a vote on funding the recommended Energy Savings Measures (ESM) for the Brown Memorial Library as identified by the Eversource Energy Audit delivered in January 2021. The auditor’s estimated cost: $7,552. ($8,000 is the amount requested for the town warrant to cover overages)

NOTE: It is likely the cost of the project will not be exactly $7,552. That was the estimate provided by the auditor. We need to get bids from contractors willing to do the work and submit that to Eversource. If the costs and scope are similar to the report then Eversource approves the project to go forward.

  • Kathleen spoke to the Library Director and they are on board with the recommended 3 ESMs to reduce energy costs and to make the library more comfortable in the cold months.
  • Sandra will clarify the nature of the 35% rebate for completing the ESM work and be sure it is clear on the warrant. Sandra was informed by Eversource that the Town of Bradford should budget for the full amount of the project because the incentive rebate is issued after the project has been completed. Sandra will try to get the 35% rebate information attached to the warrant article.
  • Kathleen has provided information on the BEC including the Mission Statement and actions to date for inclusion in the Town Report 2020, which we all read and approved.
  • Sandra prepared a summary of additional information about the ESMs proposed for the library for submittal to the Select Board per a request by Chris Frey, Selectmen.

New topics:

  • If the warrant passes, who gets the estimates for the three recommended ESM projects, and how many are needed? Would we facilitate this process? Sandra will find out. Sandra spoke to the Eversource NHSAVES Municipal Representative and confirmed that the Library project has been approved and bids from contractors should be solicited and forwarded back to Eversource for review. This is our work to do.
  • Information about the energy savings measures (ESM) needs to be shared with the town. This can be accomplished in several ways: An informational poster that can be hung in the library, Transfer station, and possibly the Post Office. An article can be submitted to the Bridge. It is important that we underscore that the ESM will be an investment in protecting the building as well as reducing energy costs while increasing comfort in the building. Susan will begin work on presenting this information and collaborate with Sandra.
  • Discussion of how the BEC can have a public presence. Part of the town website? TBC.
  • We suggested that the BEC start a column for the Bradford Bridge that focuses on a different topic each month geared to simple upgrades that residents can use in their own homes to reduce their energy use. Laura will begin to collect topics and tips and links websites and webinars. (There are several coming up from NH Fish and Game)

Next meeting:

            Not scheduled at this date, but it will likely be within the next few weeks.

Minutes submitted by Susan Moss