Energy Committee Minutes 03.11.21

By Zoom

In Attendance: Sandra Beaton Bravo, Kathleen Bigford, Laura Ryder and Susan Reeder Moss

1. The last three energy audits are in.

Costs for the ESMs (Energy Savings Measures) are:

Fire Station – $13,185, Community Center – $10,385, Highway Garage- $10,544.

Sandra will reach out to the contacts for each location in order to share/explain the report and get feedback on support and concerns. Important points will be the cost benefits, the rebates and how to fund. Though these three locations are not on the 2021 Town Warrant, the BEC will look at other ways to facilitate the recommended ESMs.

Sandra stated that the Community Center Audit Report recommended that a lighting audit for a LED upgrade be obtained and that she will request one through the NHSaves Municipal Program. Sandra also stated that a tentative site visit of the Library by an insulation contractor has been scheduled for April 13, following the Town vote on the Warrant Article.

Energy Audit Executive Summaries

2. NH Solar Choices, LLC: The Town Administrator forwarded information about a solar company looking into leasing town land for the installation of a solar array. Susan will contact their representative for more information

3. Support for Warrant Article 29: Susan reported on clarifying the Warrant Article 29 for the Library ESM, and how best to inform people in town about this proposal and its benefits.  Susan will contact the Town Librarian for her feedback on information and a cartoon illustration that she is preparing for an article in the April Bridge and also post at the library and other public places.

4. Sandra Spoke to Principal Chouinard at the Elementary school in Bradford about possible energy-related projects including one on reducing plastics to be highlighted at Hannaford’s on Earth Day, April 22. Last year Kathleen spoke to David Bates, school board member in Warner about prone projects the KCA (Kearsarge Climate Action) might promote. Sandra will follow up with him.

5. Kathleen will speak about the warrant at Town Meeting on April 10. Prior to the meeting, she will speak with the Selectboard and Budget Committee.

6. The BEC wants to work on being more of a resource for energy information on the Bradford Town Website, as part of our mission to raise awareness on energy issues. The website could offer information to help residents with their own home energy solutions.

7. Laura will contribute energy savings tips for the Bradford Bridge on a regular basis. The Bridge deadline is the 20th of the month.

8. Sandra has been accepted into the Vital Communities Climate Change Leadership Academy which starts in two weeks. She needs to identify a community project and we are excited to help her choose a project that dovetails with our mission.

NOTE: Sandra will attend tonight’s meeting of the Kearsarge Climate Action (KCA) group ( by zoom. She subsequently reported that it was suggested at the KCA that a subgroup on Plastics be established and volunteers are being sought. How can we help reduce plastic use? We will try to find someone in town to join KCA for their plastics initiatives?

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Reeder Moss