Masonic Building Committee Minutes 09.27.23

The meeting was called to order at the Bradford Area Community Center at 5:31pm.

Present: Kris Foss, Mel Pfeifle, Pat Moreland, Bryan Nowell, Tracey Quigley (via zoom).

Selectman Marlene Freyler was in the public audience.

Motion was made by Bryan, Second Pat, to approve minutes from September 13, 2023 meeting as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

Pat reported that she had been in contact again with the auctioneer company she spoke with previously and has arranged for them to look at the Masonic Building and assess what is fixed to the building. They are interested in helping Bradford sell the building.

The committee next viewed the presentation put together for presentation to the Select Board at their next meeting as the committee’s recommendation. Thanks to Anne and Kris for putting it together, also thanks to Josh Keeley for help with the maps. There was discussion on the presentation, with suggestions for some labelling, adding an assessment slide and order of slides. There was discussion about the images to be included.

The nature of the easement or right of way alongside the Masonic Building was questioned again and if we could find more information. Maybe looking into the deed to see what exactly is involved. More discussion about the visibility of this corner and how retaining ownership would allow Bradford to decide what that area looks like for townspeople and visitors.

Committee members discussed still looking for options to sell and move the building until Town Meeting when the warrant article or articles will be presented. There was a discussion about timeframes with action on the building.

Public Input: Marlene made comments about Town Hall and costs to renovate and how the Masonic Building should not be renovated or used, and have money spent on it.

The committee discussed the concerns of no action at the Town Meeting and the building sitting again for years without progress. The two options that committee members came up with will be discussed by the Select Board at their next meeting and it will be up to them how the options are put into warrant articles for Town Meeting.

Tracey asked if the presentation could be up on the website for the public to see after it is presented to the Select Board.

Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:56pm by Bryan, Second Pat.