Selectmen’s Minutes 01.25.16

Selectmen’s minutes from the January 25, 2016 meeting.

Selectmen called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

In attendance were Harry Wright, Selectman; John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman.  Treasurer Marilyn Gordon and Administrator Cheryl Behr were also in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting.

  1. The Gravel Issue on Fairgrounds Road was discussed. Further research is needed to determine exactly what regulations are being ignored, what regulations govern the activity and whether or not the land in question is a wetland. The Building Inspector and property owner will be invited to a future meeting.
  1. Marcia Keller, representing the Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee, requested that $8750.50 be added to the 2016 Budget to cover the Clerk of the Works and Architect fees from January 4, 2016 through Town Meeting. The Selectmen will add this figure to the budget.
  1. Claire and Michael James attended the meeting. Michael James presented figures showing that if the funds in the Trust Funds were invested as opposed to kept in savings accounts, the Town would realize income that could reduce taxes and/or reduce operating and capital expenses. He suggested using a couple of small funds as test cases. The Selectboard recommended that the 4th of July fund and the Scholarship fund be used as test cases to demonstrate how this would work. Michael requested $1000 be added to the warrant for the Scholarship fund and the Selectmen agreed.
  1. The order of the bonds was discussed and finalized.
  2. The order of the warrant articles was discussed and finalized.
  3. Award letters for the Cemetery RFP were signed.
  4. The second requisition for the work on the Breezy Hill Bridge was signed.
  5. A notice from the Town Clerk regarding the attendance of the Selectmen at the Presidential Primary was read. (A copy is available in the Town Office.)
  1. The Budget Committee hearings have been posted for February 4th and February 11th. The Bond Hearing has been posted for February 8th following the Select Board meeting.
  1. Intents to cut for Map 4/Lot 2 and Map 3/Lot 13, and Map 7/Lot 58 were signed.
  1. Timber Bills were signed.
  2. An excavation bill was signed.
  3. The Selectmen voted unanimously to increase the Office Assistant’s hours to 30/week due to the increased workload preparing for Town Meeting.
  1. The Selectmen approved the inclusion of RSA 674:40 (Local Land Use Planning and     Regulatory Powers) and RSA 79-E:3 (Adoption of Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive Program) on the Warrant this year.
  1. The Selectmen voted unanimously to recommit the Tax Balances from the MS-61 December 31, 2015.
  1. The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the minutes from the January 4th and January 11th Select Board meetings.

Meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm

Minutes prepared by Karen Hambleton